Diatomaceous Earth and Fungus Gnats

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I say damn man I don’t know if I would be up to the job tbh

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You can also get Neem oil from any east indian grocery store. For those who don’t know it is used in a lot of east indian cooking. It is cold pressed and super cheap compared to any grow company version .


post withdrawn, sorry for being in the wrong thread, @Calyxander


Good morning.

I agree with the PM and in a perfect world all of our grows would be a sterile enviroment but when your basically growing in your bedroom and have kids and pets and house plants and growing organically trying to recreate the outside inside lol it can be a challenge that’s for sure


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I do not try and kill the bugs as you cannot isolate good from bad in soil im 2c. I am only personal grow and find silver aircell cut to fit snug on top of soil did the job.
In a rush one day seeing my living soil come to life with water like a horror movie I sprinkled a puk of used coffee grinds (organic espresso) on top of another to try and that sealed em up good also. Had to actually break through the crust to check soil moisture and it created like a 50c cap I could replace each time back over. Did not see anything detrimental to plant.
I cannot use Diatomaceous Earth here as my humidity rarely drops below 85% here in tropics and I grow no dehumidifier. Have Neem Tree growing outside but I am happy with the aircell keeping annoying bugs in the soil.
Just thought Id give couple more ideas. :+1:

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Yes, DE only works as insecticide if it is dry. Once wet it turns into a muddy substance that will give roots and stems a bit of Silica. But the after the surface of the soil get dry you need to re-dust the DE. I also use the yellow sticky traps. Not so much to catch bugs, but to see if I am staying on top of any infestation. Less bugs on the sticky trap means you are winning.