Did I Hermie? Accidental Reveg

Those look a ways out still. How many days was the light leak happening? Did you see any single blade reveg leafs,the weird looking the emergency leaf? those wmergency reveg leaves look different than sugar leaves. Honestly those plants look like they still need weeks to finish still. They look they’re just getting started to be completely honest.


remember re-vegging a “bud” I got from someone - stuck the bud in soil and it re-vegged BUT he time was long seemed like 5-6 mo.s from bud to harvest. re-vegging takes too long - but if you are trying to preserve that specific strain; re-veg or cloning is the answer maybe “tissue Culture” this is becoming more popular


Did these

revegge this is my 1st grow

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Thats really hard to see in that photo. Looks like a very thin plant, possibly genetics, nutrients, lighting, technique, hard to say. Any close up photos?

I’m only on day 30 of flower

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They look pretty good for 30 days, keep going, don’t disturb them while they sleep(aka in dark), go over the basics, good water, check ph after you add your nutrients, make sure there is no light leaks, or light timer issues. I dont see any hermies in the photos you provided, that doesn’t mean there couldn’t be one there.

That leaf looks like a reveg but i have some out doors that have a couple weird genetic leafs that look like that too, if you did trigger a reveg, it was mild stay on 12/12 n push through.

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Thank u an I’m actually 31 days in flower I just looked back in my calendar an on Aug 5 i put em in the room they were in pre-flower so here’s few pics today

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I only got 2 it’s my first time growing

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I do believe this strain I got is a purple Afghan

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