Is this plant revegging?

So I had one plant in my tent start flower later than anything else, I’m not 100% sure why maybe I had a light leak. After the first week I went through everything to make sure and it was good since then been a little over 3 weeks and the plant that started flower late, has grown taller than the rest obviously and has been hard to not stress with the light while still getting everything else enough, using LED. Had some blizzards this past couple weeks and lost power a few times I’m worried I didn’t set my timers to the exact time and that one stressed plant looks like it’s revegging? Or are these just those usual little leaves that come out of buds, and it just looks weird because of this stressed plant with smaller bud sites than the rest of the tent. I’ve been lookin at this back and forth since 6 am trippin lol. The rest of the plants in this tent are happy and looking great.


It doesn’t look like it to me…


My autos do that Always.
Happened when the light was too close for me,or for a sort of heat stress.


Maybe the morning bong rips got to me haha

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That would make sense thank you


It just looks like it’s a little high in nitrogen to me.


I don’t think so, no. Looks like she is high on N though, as mentioned.

But, looking again at the first pictures, maybe she tried to reveg and lost track of the way. I wouldn’t say. When you are reveging the first leaves always start up all rolled out and veeeery strange, stranger then your girls.

Those are from the start of my latest reveging with a NL from SensiSeeds. After a few weeks, I cloned her because mold was already spreading in the main branches… clone is here, and healthy after an h202 battle haha =)

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Im thinking maybe because it started flower a week later for whatever light issue like I said, it may have not been ready for the heavier feedings that the other ones started getting for early flower, but I have to feed all my tents everyday so I don’t like to break 1 tent into multiple feedings. Should have maybe in this case but only so much time in a day.

Edit: I meant to make this a reply to you @amazongrow

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Hmmmmm interesting , only time will tell. I’ll update how she goes in a week or so with pics on here.

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Yup, only time. Thanks for sharing and good luck!

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