Did I Hermie? Accidental Reveg

I triggered accidental reveg, wondering if anyone can tell me if the are bananas?


Looks like it, hard to tell with the lighting.


Looks like i see nanner here


So you see what i see.

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Anyone know how long they take to grow and open, do i have a week and a half ro finish the grow, this is part of one of the accidental reveg new growths, so i am fine with this goin to scrap, i want the rest that looks amazing.

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You have way more than a week and a half to go bud. Some nanners are sterile. Some produce very very few seeds and some seed the whole grow.


Thats from from the reveg portion of the plant im comfortable cutting the rest at 10 weeks

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Or should i just cut it all now and say f it and not have to worry about the pollen we know what caused reveg. 8 weeks in. Or just monitor them?

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As soon as you see a nanner, it is already open and distributing pollen if it had any.


So do i cut, or do i wait out the damage a week or two


Just pluck the nanners off if you want to keep them in flower longer and chop at 10 weeks, they should be ready by then.


yeah what Shadey said. Now, if they keep putting out more nanners every day or two, then probably chop time. Sometimes they’ll only put out a few and can pluck and move on. Reveg is one of the ways to test for stability as some plants that seem stable in flower, will herm pretty quick in reveg.


It was a light leak it was accidental reveg for like 6, day before the plant flipped back, and started building sugar leafs again.


I pretty sure we’ve all dealt with light leak at one point or another. Keep plucking and cross your fingers that they’re sterile


Well im at ten week still some white pistols from the reveg, what do ya think chop em?


Well you could add the extra time they were re vegging to the 10 weeks, but the trichs look all milky to me so you could chop them now if you wanted. They will continue to mature as you dry and cure them so that side is ok its just if you feel you could gain a bit more weight to them but it’s usually not cost efficient to the power consumption keeping them under the lightsfor a tiny bit of extra growth.

You could leave them without water and keep them in the dark for 4 or 5 days before chopping to stress them as some people do to increase the trichomes potency.


Some of them are huge i have giant man hands and this is my hand behind a couple of colas, granted they foxtailed a bit but they have quite a bit o girth. And this was a week ago. I bet thats 5 inches across or more, and all the leaves are yellow now.


I am kinda curious about the specifics on the accidental reveg. I am guessing that you made the flip and after 2 to 4 weeks your light schedule went back to 18:6 or better.

I am mentioning it because I did something similar. I was growing in a space bucket and I flipped the light schedule. It slowly became clear that the plant was going to grow into the top light and I elected to move her outdoors. Beyond the weed one might expect, she also produced 25 seeds, so it wasn’t much, but it made me wonder if this was something that I could trigger reliably.


My accidental reveg was triggered by a light leak, I caught it on day 4 and had the plants back producing sugar leafs within 6-7 day’s total. I had 4 hermies between 2 plants i have 4 plants in flower total all of them where effected. As far as i can tell all the plants appear seed free as i have pulled a few various caylx’s and they are empty so far, fingers crossed. And yes you can purposefully trigger reveg in the middle of a grow, breaders do it to test genetic stability.


Now I am seeing the whole plant those buds look very immature still from the amount of pistils. It looks to me like a plant that’s only been in flower about 4 weeks.

If they were mine I would wait and observe, you really need to forget about the 10 weeks they already have had. With the amount of white pistils they have they are going to get much bigger buds on them.

If the plant is yellowing up its probably hungry not going into senescence, it’s difficult to see the real colour of the leaves under an hps light.

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