Did I shock my Babygirl?

I was messing around (a little too much ) doin some LST and snap my stall where I first topped them. (Refer to the pic) . I wrapped it with copper wire to Give it support and try to help the healing process Now it’s been a couple days and the branches and new growth seem to look a little sad and feel kinda weak compared to my other plants. Anybody have some suggestions to whip her back into shape?

It appears to me that you have nothing to worry about.
If you had damaged the branches beyond their ability to recover, they would be wilted and very sorry looking by now.
Your plant will recover fully and begin growing with great vigor!
Cannabis is amazingly resilient!
Your thread begs the question…why LST outdoor? You have no space constraints?

I would top your plants one or two more times.
They should begin flowering towards the end of August.
If you cut your growing tips, your plant will become very bushy with numerous colas.
They will become quite large in your climate.
Good luck!


I was doing light training to get those small tops growing in the inside to get some more sun.
I guess a bad idea now lol

Yea I topped em once . I figured I would top again once the stopped branches grow out .

Don’t worry about a thing.
You are going to be A-OK.

Top the main stem and the side branches growing tips in a couple of weeks…then…

Stand back and behold a bushy monster plant by the time it begins to flower.


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Im sure it will be ok, as said by others above if the leaves are not hanging down completely wilted she is ok. You probably had the most shock. You can if you feel like it pour a little melted candle wax onto the split while it heals in order to prevent anything entering the void, like used when grafting plants, just to seal it, the plant will push it off as it grows the stem thicker.


As long as the copper wire isnt touching. I just did the same thing. Cannalope kush got heavy and stated to hang. I pulled her back and she split right now the center. Flopped right over. I pulled her up. Put a chunk of shilajit and rosin in the split and tied it together with a bit of dead cow skin (leather) never skipped a beat. Well. Ya know. Yeild will suffer a tad. But whatever shit happensXD good bad problems