Stalk split during flower

Hello OG. currently i have 2 uk cheese in my 4x4 vivisun tent that are in week 4 of flower day 23.

While using some pieces of old dead plant stalk to space some branches and open the canopy, I accidently split the stalk of the uk cheese #1 but the plant itself is still standing. I know there isn’t much I can do here but wait but I was curious to know has anyone else on OG ever had a stalk split during flower and how did it affect your yield or flower cycle? Is there anything I can do atm or just wait
You can see it in the last photo


I split a stalk previous to flower, on purpose

Seemed fine

Just make sure it doesn’t get infected, and that the xylem isn’t damaged. The xylem will look like the skin or bark.


You can tape it with electrical tape for a week or so to close it up. Don’t forget


Thanks man.l! I think I’m gonna tape it. I have only duct tape atm would that be enough or should I specifically grab electrical tape?

Duct tape should work. I’ve used masking tape. Electrical just binds to itself the best without losing tension.

Don’t forget to take it off. The stem will continue growing


One time I taped a skewer to a stem, because it had a huge break

Then later on, I realized it was choking the stem so I took it off, but it had created a weak spot because of the delay!

So that’s why I emphasize keeping an eye on it


I like to use rubber coated bamboo wire when this happens. It’ll heal up fine and you probably won’t even notice it in a few weeks.

This happens to me pretty much every time I try to bend and train a little late.


I will definitely keep this in mind

Yeah I thought they were spaced enough then decided to open the canopy more a little late like you said. Bad idea lol.

I will def patch her up and keep an eye out to make sure it won’t become a choke point. Thanks @leetdood and @WoodAndWeedWizard appreciate the great advices

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I agree with the advice above - tape it back together. I’ve had this happen to me and taping the broken branch back to the main stem has worked every time. Cannabis is such a strong and forgiving plant! It wants to grow!


Tape, I use electrical or duct tape, whatever I grab first. Just had to do this to a blackout Bobby I’m flowering now


Does it move? Yes…
Should it move? No…


Let us know how it turns out


Electrical tape will keep the complaining down @SleepMaster.

Good find, and if you get a Split early. There are no issues.

When I FIM / TOP anything outdoors, that joint gets protected with tape, for those windy days (bright Sun and good nutes)

Almost lost the Panama Red to a bunch of splits on my First F’md plant.
Learned a good outdoor lesson
Duct Tape lol, when req’d


It’s fine, not the first time, won’t be the last lol


I figured yours came out fine, lol. Was talking to the OP :smiley:

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They might as well find you handy @MissinBissin .
Couldn’t resist…:sweat_smile::v:


So true Buddy I cannot stop laughing @Budderton
That shit is golden.
Too funny, i have a super advanced camera and lens system, and I have the lens duct-taped and its on manual.

Stuff gets used !


I have split many a stalk in the past. Tape on small plants/branches or zip ties on things that need to be lashed together a bit tighter. Reusable zip ties are nice for all sorts of things in the grow room but normal ones will work as well.