Different soil when transplanting?

Hey all! I have two purple punch plants growing in Foxfarms Happy Frog soil about 2 weeks old. Although was advised that when transplanting to put them in Foxfarms Ocean Forest soil for rest of grow. Can anyone confirm this is a good move? And why?



The happy frog soil is much lighter on nutes. Ocean forest soil provides more nutes the plants need at a later stage of life but if you plant seedlings into the soil it is too strong for seedlings and it will burn them.

Not speaking from experience just read this many times!


Make your own soil next time… It’s weird that there are experts on rookie snake soils. Posting from behind the counter at the hydro shop

A healthy soil will grow from seed to harvest in the same pot. How do you come up with a soil that’s too hot for seeds but needs to be fed in flower? That’s garbage soil. Snake soil. I have no qualms in saying pot growers need to step their game up,big time. The store-bought influence on the grow scene is disgusting.

Grow tents suck, grow lights suck, grow nutes suck, grow recipes suck, this entire scene needs burnt to the ground, when people are fucking switching soils mid grow because ones “too hot for seeds”


yes too hot soil is not good for seedlings : ) best to stay on the first type and just up ppm or ec as plants grows , more controll this way : ) check out the octopot guys , they on promix which has no food in it and they have a good feed shedual worth trying : ) hope this is helpful , hit them up , they a great bunch and will be sure to help you : )


I sort of get what your point is here, but do you suggest that I just leave my plants out in the living room with no lights on all day?
Tents are necessary, and so are lights, you can’t grow in an uncontrolled environment in the dark lol.


I prefer to mix my own but plenty of people have success with the pre mixed stuff. You can switch soils if you want too, a lot of people do that when they pot up to larger containers because younger plants can get cooked by really “hot” soil.

I germinate my plants in those peat pucks, after that I put them in a basic organic potting soil. I think it’s pro-mix, nothing special. Roughly 1-2 weeks into veg when they’re nice and strong I pot up to my final container with a much stronger soil that brings them to the end of flower. It’s not exactly switching soils in the way you mentioned tho. The young seedlings are delicate which is why I wait until they’re going strong before the switch.

Hydro growers use less nutrients early on to prevent the same problems. Once you plant starts to veg you ramp it all up.

I’m not familiar with fox farms but I did look up the NPK ratios of both those soils you mentioned.

Ocean Forest: 4-1-1
Happy Frog: 5-7-3

Based off that I don’t see why you would switch to Ocean Forest. Potting up with happy frog seems like it would get you through veg and flower. Again, I am not familiar with Fox Farms so take it with a grain…

@WestcoastCroppers is that your sales pitch to your customers? :joy: