FoxFarm Ocean Forest Organic Soil

I have never used this soil until this new grow in 11 years , The soil I have used good or bad has been FoxFarm Happy Frog with no soil problems.

Tonight I noticed in only one bucket 3 small brown Mushrooms ?? :roll_eyes:Do these mushrooms spread or should I be concerned about them in my soil, also can any nutrients add to the reason mushrooms start growing.

I used happy frog for years never had one shroom in my grow soil…


You gonna identify those bad boys?


I wouldnt worry btw.

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The only difference I think is ocean forest is hotter and coco based while the happy frog is peat based

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i’ve only used fox farm ocean forest on and off for ten years, never had any issues with it except sometimes a bag or two are dry. i’m looking to change up my soils though. i really doubt mushrooms are a problem,

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I wouldn’t worry, if anything that’s a good sign.

Edit: I knew I’ve come across these mushrooms before in FFOF… They are called Leucocoprinus birnbaumii and are good for plants.

Also could be a sign the humidity in the soil is too high


I have them all the time. I’m not worried. Happy Frog and Ocean forest I seen it happen.

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:crossed_fingers: Thank you for the help as always , your great friends …

I was thinking now if I find frogs then I need more then a few tokes to figure that one out lol


It as freaking me out. I have holes drilled in the sides of my buckets. They where popping out. Lol


:rofl: :joy:

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It was funny I have pictures of it I believe. I look. I’ll get back to you on it. Got dirt from Home Depot from Texas had hemp seeds or something cannabis growing out of it. Plants in the garden.

Imgoing to chop them and rollem and smoke see what happended lol just jking but that woud be funny…

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No lie. A guy from Molly Hatchet. Said he would pull the outside skin of shrooms and smoke them. No bs. To my face. Eating breakfast.

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Does anyone know if Ocean Forest is still organic? I see it advertised on websites as organic, but the packaging nor the website mentions organic in any place.

I believe it is, I like the ferts it has and how nice and moist it is when I get my bags…

They say your soil is good when you have mushrooms growing ,
Have one growing in one of my pots at the minute,
Don’t use ocean forest soil anymore it’s expensive,black gold mixed with ace hardware soil lol

Then I just add nutes


I get happy frog the big bag for under 20$. Ocean forest is almost 20$. Fox Farm has a map. Feed store is where I get mine at. They have mega crop and come others. Black Gold is a good product.

That’s cheap is that for the 1.5cubic feet

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They are both peat based, but FFOF is hotter. It can be too hot for seedlings.