Fox Farms: Ocean Forest vs. Happy Frog

Hey all. I have always used Ocean Forest to start seeds and grow in, but this time around I tried starting seeds in Happy Frog. I transfer seeds with tap roots into the soil. I haven’t had the best luck but I can’t really blame the Happy Frog for it. Has anyone tried starting seeds in both? What gave you better results? I was always told Ocean Forest will burn seedlings but that never happened to me.


Both have been fine for me. What I usually do is toss them in a shot cup of room temp ro water for 12 hours and pinch the seed open. Then I scoop up 10 cups of soil into a container and mix it in with 4 cups of ro water. Afterwards, I toss the soil into 3" pots with about 20 sprays each of water. Finally, I’ll add the seed in about a tip of a cotton swabs head deep. Haven’t lost a seed in a long time with this method + soil combo.


yeah… i had 3/4 seeds germ and of those 3 only 1 broke ground. i never had that happen to me before which is why i was questioning it. all 3 had tap roots. i love the texture and moisture of the happy frog though. every time i get ocean forest it’s dried out shit, it’s been like that for years but it seems to work well. it wasn’t the same 10 years ago.


Mix them if you need. The happy frog for sure stays a bit wetter than the ocean forest which is the main reason I measure out the water I add in. A little too much and they can fail. For the 2 that haven’t broken ground if the soil is too wet you can gently scrape the soil with a cotton swab until you see the seed to loosen/aerate it a bit and lightly cover it up with the same soil.


that could be it, user error on my part. i didn’t really factor that in. i’ll probably switch to ocean forest for my next batch.


When you plant your seedlings, water the plant, not the pot. Just a tablespoon of water a day is usually enough for the first week. That’s what I do. I’m a living soil grower now mostly, but I use Happy Frog for starter media. I’ve always wanted to try Ocean Forest though.


I start them in the Happy Frog and then for veg I use Ocean Forest. I love using Strawberry Fields for flower.


I’ve done this many times as well, with pretty good results too.

Maybe I’ll go back to soil when my coco runs out or do a side by side with the same cut :thinking:


I mix em 1:1 and use for every stage of growth. I don’t rinse or anything. worst issue I’ve had is fungus gnats but they are just annoying and never get outta hand with a buncha sticky traps!


I`ve always used Ocean Forest from the get go and have never had a problem.


I use happy frog mixed with perlite and coco or peat for landraces. Oc3an forest is way too hot for them.


Have you tried starting seeds in peat plugs OP?

Works great for me and you skip the soil (and pots) until you see roots. I get 100% germ rates all the time.


I use both, sometime mix them.
Thing is it’s got small matter in it
Could make a seed have a hard time
Pushing thru it though not impossible.
I use peat moss , pellets or just put a little
In a small shot glass size cup.
When seedling has pushed up nice
Then I put in my happy frog.
I also like the paper towel method.
Let the grow and inch or so and put
Directly into Happy Frog


i’m just going to switch to ocean forest for this next batch of seeds i’m starting. i just picked up a bag. i’ve had good luck running ocean forest from seedling to harvest. it’s just what i’m familiar with i guess.


so… i opened the ocean forest and the bag was nice and moist. this hasn’t happened for me in over 10 years. looks really nice, not dry or anything. :+1:

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