DIY Photosynthesis Plus(PSB/PNSB) & Cyanobacteria recipes.

It really depends on environment, and how much bacteria is in the sample when you collect your water.

when I need it to culture faster I can use pond water or any water really that doesn’t have chlorine or chloramine and mix in already cultured bacteria, and the process will speed up tremendously depending on how much you mixed in.

when its warmer like 2weeks - a month depending on light and heat. Cooler it has taken me as long as 3 months. Ive found it cultures the fastest under 5000k around 75-80 light with a heating pad under it. Due to fall comming my next batch I started yesterday I put in my tent but during mid summer I put outside.


Very interesting, thanks for posting, I use labs a lot, almost every watering to lower my water ph, are these acidic like labs.

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Thank you bud! A couple of us over at RIU’s Greens Probiotic thread we’re looking for info on photosynthesis plus vs em1. Does it stink your room up when using? My wife is very accepting of all my projects, but fungus gnats and stink are where she draws the line. Ha! This is very much appreciated!


Ohhh it smells horrible. But its only a once a month application. Ehhh fungas gnats are annoying. I have some right now. I was trying to set up a blumat system b4 my surgery today but I failed dailing it in.


Can you tag me in that thread?


I never phed it but labs can have adverse side effects of using it more than directed it will cause an imbalance and can potentially make it so your Bud’s not to ripen. You can use fish fertilizer for PH down and agsil ph up.


Do you have the same alias on riu?

Nope what’s riu? I thought it was a thread on here lol. Pm me?

I rarely have to PH up unless I add to much labs dont need very much to drop 5 gals to 6.2 from 7 maybe a tablespoon. I cant use fish in the house the cat and dog start trying to break into the tent lol.

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So my “red bottle” are PNSB? Sweet, never realized that.

Smells like the storm drain the hobos poop in after a rain.

Hey @SillyHippy ,
What do you think of the color on this? It’s never been opened and has been in the garage. Thoughts? Dump and redo?

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What a bone-head! I just realized I never added a picture.

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here’s a color chart @CrunchBerries


Haha if you add a pic I can help. The red one is PSB/PNSB the green one is GSB.


Here ya go duder. Whattcha think?


Looks to me like I’m good to go! At what ratio would you use per gallon. Same as photosynthesis +?

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I would start there maybe even half to start to see how they respond


Maybe you’ve already seen these but I’m sure they’re right up your alley. Fair warning, you may need a few grains of salt :wink:

Brewing SAM PNSB.pdf (1.4 MB) archive


Yo! @ChongoBongo ! Thanks for the light reading! Would you mind if I posted these in our SIP thread? Great finds!

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No worries, and absolutely man go for it :sunglasses::call_me_hand:

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