DIY trim bucket, garden hacks

Looking for a way to make a good DIY trim bucket. I’ve got chicken wire, 5 gallon buckets. Whats the most effective design?


Hey bud, I’d like to see/hold one to work out what it does then copy it.
To my eye it doesn’t look too different to just putting buds into a bucket and giving them a shake around, fwiw that works ok if your not ocd about trimming.

It’ll be interesting to hear what folks suggest, i wouldn’t spend the £100 they’re asking for them.

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Well I started making a small cage out of chicken wire thats the shape of a 5 gallon bucket but smaller and fits inside the bucket with about an inch of space from bucket. I used zip ties to hold the cage in the middle of bucket. In theory it should make all the trim fallout and leave all the nugs in the cage. Ill update when I get it all together.

I’ve seen a trim bowl that uses like rubber fingers to move the nugs around the bowl.

if you wanna quick trim for cheap I found pretty great success with the brush technique. its like a baster brush, mine is called canna brush, with long rubber “fingers”. pulls off sugar leaves with ease.


I’ve seen those, the look like they work better then scissors, but I’m looking for something that can do a lot at once. Last year trimming about broke me, and this year I’ve almost tripled my plant count. I’m assuming ill be harvesting 2-3 pounds per plant (7). Trying to DIY it so I don’t waste more money on things I really can make myself.

Years ago, I made a DIY version of “Tom’s tumble trimmer”.

I left it over at a friend’s house that I used to grow with, along with a ton of my equipment (aeroflo’s, lights, ballasts, hoods, clone machines, and lots more) and he ghosted me. Or I’d take pics of it for you.

I still have some leftover netting and some of the extra parts I bought to make it. I don’t remember the net size off hand. I think I settled on 1/4” instead of 1/2” but I could look and tell you for sure if you want.

It actually worked surprisingly well. My buddy hated trimming (I do too, but it’s a necessary evil IMO) and it was always like pulling teeth to get him to harvest. So I agreed that we could try making a trimmer. We did research and settled on the tumble trimmer.

We removed all the fan leaves, left the trim leaves on and hung the plants to dry. Then when the trim leaves were dry but the buds were still semi-moist, we’d put them in the tumble trimmer and rotate it around. We just hung clear plastic over the top and put a Rubbermaid tote under it to collect the trim and kief that fell off.

You definitely lost some trichomes doing it but not as bad as I expected. And like I said, it did a better job trimming than I expected too.


Oh man! I feel your pain, had a very similar experience. People suck sometimes :man_facepalming:t2:


Last year I harvested a 16ft plant by myself, all hand trimmed. Ill never do that again. once it warms up enough to work i n the garage ill post pics.

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