Do it yourself MicroOctopot Auto Fill System

Been lurking in this topic, but I think this explains the brown build up in my tubing for my diy bubble cloner. My tubing is semi transparent whiteish.


I’m using Garden Friendly Fungicide 20:1 dilution then 1ml/gal. I’m also using a UVc lamp in the main Res. Am I killing all the beneficial from GFF by using the UVc lamp?


Yes, almost certainly.

But killing doesn’t dissolve their organic matter, so their bodies flow downstream sort of. Into your Controller.

Yuck, right?

I only add GFF & rhizo directly into the individual pots, not sayin that’s best, but I just always dosed those organics downstream from the big rez. Wouldn’t be surprised if it were causing problems.

I keep the main rez as inorganic as possible, UV is just insurance.

IMHO, GFF (HydroGuard) doesn’t mix with UV, or Hydrogen Peroxide. Sterilize first, then add the beneficials.

I have had good results with the same GFF dilution you use. It is way more concentrated than Hydroguard, so you need to water it down. And, when you think about it, what you’re doin with the GFF is innoculating a batch of water with colonies that should multiply and thrive in your pots.

So, constantly supplying a fresh batch of the same bacteria might not be the best approach anyways.

My $0.02


Adopting your methodology. I need to check the pots for PH anyway. Two extra syringes for peace of mind makes sense to me. Rhizo and GFF need to be added how frequently?

Another question, Dryback, How long, how often?
The plants are sucking up water quickly now, The pots will be dry shortly. Do you leave them empty for x hours or ?

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Easy answer: Every time you add water give them 1ml Gff and a squirt of diluted rhizotonic. doesn’t matter if you are just opening the valve to autofiller or hand watering. Drain them down to 1/4" slosh, then refill with a fresh gallon. I add the goodies first, then the new nuted up pH 6.0, EC 1.1 fresh water.

Then all will be well in the garden…
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Really enjoy the encyclopedic weed knowledge you provide @GrouchyOldMan! :herb: :fire: :books:

Another question - Dryback, How long, how often?
The plants are sucking up water quickly now, The pots will be dry shortly. Do you leave them empty for x hours or ?

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Sorry, My bad.

I just realized you answered this previously. :wink:

Didn’t realize you meant 1/4" for dryback :+1:


When the little leaf is flat out down, (about a pint left in the bottom) fill the pot to the top with whatever you think that it needs. It’s a beautiful system really, you get to reconstitute the formulary every day or so if you want!

@Pigeonman, @Jetdro am I right?

PS, Encyclopedic? Don’t be silly, I’m only parroting what I’ve learned from others, mostly around here!

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Gotta remember that the sleeve with your soil holds a whole bunch of water probably three or four days worth

I routinely let mine sit empty for a day or two before I fill I typically wait for all of the ladies to empty their Reservoir because they never do at the same time and when they’re all empty I’ll fill them yet to seeing any wilt


I recalled seeing that in your threads and what I was planning. The last time I allowed them to all dry or very close and refilled at that time. Guess it also depends on the medium in the netcup. Photo tent has hydroton for 75% and Auto tent has netcups packed w promix.

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Yeah, after my last two runs with clay balls, I’m done with them forever! No benefit and a PIA to handle and sterilize. I still blame them for the springtail outbreak in my pots!

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Lmao. Same here. Just extra expense.

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Hi guys!

So I started growing in the DIY octopots as the autopots are crazy expensive for me to order.
I have had amazing results with it. As I am always on the lookout for improving the setup with tech, I came across this

This system utilises a venturi injection and a pressure pump.

This system is useful as

  • No big reservoir needed
  • No pre mixing nutrients and dealing with Ph drift.

Any thoughts on this setup?

Do venturi injections always dose proportionally?

I am guessing the combo of the pressure switch pump and the damper maintain constant pressure in the lines.

Does anyone have any other mode to automate the nutrient mixing?