Do people actually wash their plants before curing?

What made u spray with beach if u don’t mind me asking

I got some powdery mildew happening so I did a few treatments on different branches. Bleach worked best.

Never went that way but cool

I wouldn’t recommend it but it’s what I did.

Never used it but been reading some good things about this product.

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Same way as you, it smoked smooth, cured well, just every joint ran, lol constantly wetting and refiring to get the doob to burn even. Only with the crops I’ve washed, lol

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I’ve used/am using dr. Zymes, outdoor grow is still in progress, but so far results have been good. I’ve been spraying once a week but recently (in the last week) noticed PM on my wife’s zucchini plant. I’ve sprayed 3 days in a row according to the recommendation on the bottle and it seems to be holding things at bay. Obviously still have a while to go in flower here before things are done but I’m hopeful
This will get me there, happy to report back when the time comes if it’s helpful and folks are interested

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I wash everything. Bugs, dust, particles, you don’t want to be smoking that do you? If so then that’s ok also, but just not what I like to do. The resin gland are not water souble (think of bubble hash) and unless that water is super cold, will not knock the heads from the buds or leaves. But it will remove a bunch of other stuff. Which in turn allows for a better finished product.
I take 3 5 gal buckets.
First is baking soda and water
Second is hydrogen peroxide and water
Third is straight water.
If I don’t care I just chop and dry, but if I plan to show it off, better believe under the jewelers loop she be looking clean as can be.
I do this wit fresh cut only.


@Enjoi802 802! Fellow woodchuck bud?


Was in btv for a long time. Back to the flatlands I’ve gone though. But the outs always get cleaned. Indoors is the one you might be able to skip

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I wash all my indoor, I’d definitely recommend it. Always get some oily residue / gunk off the plants. Maybe I’m just a dirty pig :rofl:

So whats the process of wishing?

For me the process is to fill my bath tub with around 3 inches of water. I then dump half a bottle of h2o2 in. I press the plants down and submerge them under the water for a couple minutes, sloshing them about gently. Flip the plant over and do the other side. Drain the tub. Fill back up with water. Resubmerge plant. Give the plant a good shake to remove excess water. Hang and fan dry until it’s not wet. Takes a couple hours then rotate the plant and dry the other side a couple hours. Then into the dry tent.

You can use 3 large bins.

  1. water and peroxide 1- 1/2 cup per 5 gal
  2. baking soda and lemon juice 1/2 cup each to 5 gal
  3. plain water to rinse
    Then hang to dry with fan in a dark place , for 8-12 hours

Has anyone washed their weed, then ran the water used through their bubble bags, just to see how many trichomes are coming off?

I might start experimenting with this this year. Going to wade in slowly tho.

I wash all my outdoor bud with a simple organic wash… one bucket lemon, one bucket baking soda, one bucket straight water. Gets all the smog, dirt, bugs, exhaust etc off my bud. THC is not water soluble. Trichs are just fine after.


I made the mistake of trying it once. I couldn’t believe all the shit that came off those buds. Now, I have no choice, outdoor weed must be washed. You’ve been warned. :grinning:


Wonder how you dry a plant after washing it,
I’d be surprised if you didn’t have a shit load of mold from it,your curing game better be on point lol

You hang it in front of fans for a good 20 mins or so before you trim. Then dry it. No problem. It does rain. Same thing.


That’s true my brother grows outdoors in Ireland lol always raining there

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