Do people actually wash their plants before curing?

For outdoors I’d imagine it’s pretty necessary. You got dirt, bird/bug shit, dead bugs animal hair, ash if you’re in an area with wildfires. People wash and dry plants all the time why would weed be any different?

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Only thing protocol doesn’t remove is my cat’s hairs LOL!!!

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Erin Gobraugh!!!

:wink:Tá fáilte romhat


My take on washing; as long as you’ve been smoking weed you’ve been smoking people’s bugs, insecticides, their sneezes and coughs, whatever you can imagine getting on a plant, you’ve smoked at some point in your life. Because people usually don’t wash their plants.

Trichomes are not water soluble, water by itself WILL NOT REMOVE TRICHOMES, that’s why you have to use extreme colds when making ice hash, or solvents to get trichomes off to make things like BHO and those types of concentrates, or heat and pressure from a heat press. No one just puts buds in water and gets a good final product, right? Because water doesn’t do shit to buds except clean them off, right?

We gotta stop looking at things through a bro science lense and think of them through an actual objective scientific lense.

If you want clean buds do a 3-4 step rinse, if you want mostly clean buds do a lemon juice and water rinse, if you don’t care what’s on your buds don’t wash them.

I can personally taste a difference when I rinse mine and have no abnormal problems smoking, making concentrates, or anything of the sort from my rinses, if you’d like I can go get the microscope and show you dead spider mites on some of my dried nugs I didn’t wash to remind everyone what we used to smoke every day :joy::joy::joy:


Not true. You don’t want to smoke marijuana that is harmful to your health, so washing your buds is a good idea. Even if you grow your plants indoors, dust and dirt will accumulate. Have you ever looked at the carbon filter pre-filter? If the fans in your grow room are collecting dust, so will your buds.

If we wash every vegetable we eat, it stands to reason that we should wash every bud we smoke. Many people believe that washed buds produce a smoother, cleaner smoke. Terpenes are not water soluble and will remain on the plant no matter how much water you pour on it. THC is also not water soluble, but trichomes will fall off with too much force. Most trichomes that fall off in a normal wash would fall off naturally. Because cannabinoids are fat-soluble, a gentle wash will not degrade the potency of your buds while also preventing you from combusting and inhaling dirt, hair, and dust.

Washing your buds after harvest may seem strange at first, but it can significantly improve the flavor and quality of your cannabis. Mold spores, like seeds, can lay dormant until the right conditions are met for them to grow. Mold spores can germinate in temperatures around 20°C, with high humidity and stale air. As long as humidity levels remain optimal, getting your buds wet will not encourage the growth of mold spores.

In addition to dirt and dust, your plants and buds collect pollen, animal hair and dander, spores, and other undesirables. Aphids and mites will live on your plants, including flowers. They will eat, mate, excrete, and even lay eggs on your plants.

Try washing only one branch of buds from your harvest and comparing the results to see if you can tell the difference. Check your wash water as well, and you’ll find all of the garbage that you would have been smoking if you hadn’t washed your buds.


Hmmm, I suppose you make a valid point. Just not something I have done nor most people I know who grow indoors. You do make an interesting case for it. I may just have to give it a shot to compare :slight_smile:


Just making bubble hash with unwashed buds the water turns gross. I could see the advantages of washing all the crap off them.

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I have never washed my harvest and never had a complaint but maybe a rain or two helped ?


When I’ve washed I’ve done a 3 bucket wash. 1st bucket peroxide/water 2nd bucket lemon and baking soda/water, 3rd bucket plain water. I clean and refresh my 3rd bucket a few times throughout the wash :ok_hand:


I’ve been washing my buds because I use a spray now and then. So I want to wash off as much soap/oil residue that may still be on the plant.