Fim or...not to Fim?

Hi guys.This Is the last plant I recovered from my auto grow failure attempt.She Is a Gelato automatic from royal Queen.I am asking if It would be wise ti Fim and try to get more top growth since She had Major stunting caused by Hot soil that I FLUSHED TWO DAYS AGO.
Day 17,week 2.


I do not recommend it on an autoflower especially that has had problems in the past and just my opinion💪


Thank you villager,I did It to previous autoflowers but this had problems and flush so I don’t know,Maybe I let her grow naturally


She looks fine for 17 days old so I think she’s more than made up for being stunted. FIM isn’t as bad as topping a plant. Ive found autoflowers respond quickly to FIM and don’t freak out at all. :v:


I ll wait for more votes,and the decide.Thank you @Shabita93 @Esrgood4u .I found autos are reacting good to fim in my opinion too

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I top all of my outdoors autoflowers in the summer. The breeder stated growing times are total bullshit. What the say is a 10 week strain 99% of the time go to 12+ weeks so even if it did stall out for a few days from the FIM in my ooinion it wouldn’t make any difference at all to the final yield.

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It’s an auto, just let her grow. Fimming or topping it ain’t gonna recover enough before it starts flowering. Litfa for autos, hst for photos.


Thanks @EugeneDebs420 .I love how everyone has different experiences and advices

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I had an auto that was really stunted recently, and out of sheer frustration and an inquisitive mind, when it started to get to the right number of nodes for fimming, I went for it.

Did not go well, and the plant crashed and burned, but I cant link its demise to the fim or because it was just doomed on its own.

I plan on trying again in the near future.

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I don’t know if there Is a link between fim and death of a autoflower

Probably not, but cant help but wonder if there was any correlation to the stress from the fim.

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LST is what I would do…topping or FIM could stress the plant, you can achieve multiple tops thru LST.


Autoflowering alone lst


Tie down the branches Is what I should do then,only lst


Yes, that is what you should do to achieve more tops without slowing your previously stressed autoflower.


+1 to what Sasquatch said. AF have a finite amount of time and then that is it.


Just fim’d my 3 Bears OG auto. Day 1, week 3 today.