Do you remember your first grow? Or attempt at growing?

I was just thinking to myself about the first couple times I tried to grow. It’s pretty funny how bad it was, knowing what I do now.

My first attempt was at 15 years old. A bag seed in an ice cream container with no holes, random dirt from outside…. All underneath a halogen spotlight lol. The thing was just cotyledons stretched about 6 inches high, it obviously didn’t make it any farther then that.

Fast forward a year, I was 16. Saved some money and got a 400w hps, open bulb and big bulky ballast. Put it in my closet with no ventilation or a/c. Another bag seed, soil from the garden this time and all purpose miracle grow 20-20-20. Backed up with the book closet cultivator, I couldn’t fail! I somehow made the complete grow cycle and got about 4oz off her. I used wayyyyy too much fertilizer. I figured more was better and had no clue what flushing was. It all ended up in the trash because it made everyone’s lips feel weird from the over fertilization lol.

Came a long way since those days lol not sure what made me think of this but I figured I’d share. Anyone else have some first grow stories?


A post was merged into an existing topic: How & When did YOU start growing cannabis