First grow strain?

Just curious what strain everyone grew on their very 1st grow. My 1st grow was about 15yrs ago and I will never forget it. Super skunk and I left it in veg for WAY to long.
It was an indoor wardrobe closet grow and the plant ended up getting about 4ft tall under a 150w hps. You wanna talk about light fluffy popcorn buds lmfao.

I was an original overgrown member and my 1st seed order was Life saver from our very own BOG. I learned my lesson on the 1st grow and moved in to scrog growing with two 150w hps .

Looking back I’m really glad I learned to grow in such crap conditions. As I’m now back at it with a much better setup after about a 10yr break. Back then I thought I was killing it getting 4oz per harvest lmao.


First grow indoors was bag seed, don’t even know what it was, they all hemied 4 weeks into flower and got tossed out.

Then I grew some Candida CBD.


My first grow was from seeds I got from the guy who sold me my last 2 ounces I ever bought. It was 2001. I was living in the San Fran area and he was the grower - and it was (to that point) - the strongest weed I ever had. In fact, it was so strong, that after I took one hit, I coughed up a storm and SWORE it was sprayed with some toxic chemicals! :laughing: But, man - it got me wasted! I was getting ready to move across the country, so I asked him if he could hook me up with some seeds so I could grow it myself. He gave me a film canister with hundreds of seeds.

Fast forward to the first grow. The only female plant I got out of the first 4 or 5 beans I started turned out to be a monster! Like @Shadey, I let her veg a bit too long, but she didn’t stretch too much, she just grew a massive cola (like 16 inches) and all her branches produced huge buds. It was extremely impressive except for one thing: it didn’t really have any THC! Ugh…what a let down! But it was also a good learning opportunity.

As I was waiting for that first plant to finish, I purchased beans from Gypsy Nirvana. My order was for Serious AK-47, Neville’s Haze and White Widow. So my first “keeper” grow was Serious AK and White Widow. My results were mind blowing! :exploding_head:

I’ve posted this picture before, but this is one of the Serious AK-47 plants that came from that grow.


I found some Super Lemon Haze seeds I found in some dispensary weed. One of the three smelled like lemon Jolly Ranchers. Of course it was low yield, so I got rid of it. :man_facepalming:


First grow was bag seed in '77 or '78. That was outdoors More than 100 plants but never got to harvest. They were all chopped down by who knows about a month after flowers were first seen.

First indoor grow was bag seed again back in '88. Grown under fluorescent lights. Had twelve 2 bulb shop lights, 4 on top and 4 on each side.

First indoor grow with reasonably decent gear was in '97, just a little before I found the original Overgrow. I grew a few Big Mac in a small closet under a 400w HPS from start to finish.


@Purple-N-Hairy that thing looks like a perfect Christmas tree. Well done

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Nice…kind of funny looking back but obviously the passion has stuck with us. When I knew I was shutting it down for a while I built up a pretty nice head stash. I had 65 of the large Mason jars all packed to the top. Three large boxes packed with Mason jars lol


I’ll bet it didn’t last near as long as you would’ve liked though. It never does.


My first grow was 2 autos. 1 Blueberry, 1 Kings Kush and both in 5 gal pots in a 2x4. I thought only using fox farm soil and nutrients was gonna get me some cup winning stuff but ya live and ya learn boys. Nowadays, I’ve learned its beneficial to add perlite and more worm castings and whatnot to the ocean forest rather than bag to pot. They started the same day and I pulled them both too early. 100% due to inexperience. Luckily I had a close friend who was also starting to grow and we bounced a lot of ideas off each other and eventually figured it all out.



lol…well, that puts you in a very small group of growers :sunglasses: Congratulations! :beers:

Alright so maybe didnt figure it all out hahaha but yeah we got from point a to point b is more accurate. That AK you posted is a monster!!! What was the terp profile on that like?

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That AK was grown about 18 years ago. I don’t really have a specific recollection, but it wasn’t the cherry. I managed to get one cherry out of the last of the Serious Seeds I planted, and kept her as a mother for about 5 years. I still miss her… :sob:


Bagseed from some Choco-latte I got. I let it get way too big but otherwise all good. Had to hang the light from a ceiling fan and ditch the tent completely. That shit was crazy when I got it and the plant I grew mimicked what the strain did. Felt like an opiate almost and you’d feel it like wash down your arms when it came on. Never had that with any other strain.

I actually have 3 or 4 seeds left from it I wouldn’t mind producing more (seeds) with one of these days. Just limited to when/how much I can grow but eventually!

That is funny, I am a new grower and my first strain is Super Skunk and I as well let it veg just a little to long! Glad that you are back to growing!

First for me was Royal Queen Seeds Special Kush… grew like a champion in my vegetable garden… I had like 3 plants all pushing 8 feet. I had no clue what to expect but it certainly wasn’t that! I attribute it all to the good garden soil and watering, not my growing prowess.

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my first grow was some stuff called goldstar. and a 10 pack of “outdoor mix” from marc emery. the outdoor mix blew the gold star away. night and day.

taught me that paying for better genetics was worth it early on.

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My first go was NL5xHaze. Grown outdoors guerilla style in Missouri in a record heat wave year. It turned out like shit!!! Lol