Very first grow?

Hey guys. this should be a fun topic. I want to see and/or hear about everyones first grow. I will start it off with my own.

Cultivar: bagseed
Date: sometime in 2012
Lights: 4 55 watt cfls in reptile reflectors
Medium: soil from my parents back yard in the woods
Nutes: tap water filtered through a slow ass tap filter

I grew this female (thank god) for about 6 or 7 months before i grew the balls to flower it. i really didnt wanna fuck up. I had this in a 7 gallon pot for most of its light and it got as tall as i did. when i transplanted it (halfway through flowering) it got stuck on a fly trap and ripped a bunch of leaves and some pistles. she was grown in a closet about 2x2 and i only had 2 usb mini fans for air circulation. i had tinfoil up everywhere but i took it down when i got informed about the white walls. well here are some pics.

i got about 2 ounces off of it of very weak bud. and i open blasted it into some tane poop soup (gross) but its what started me. and now im here

i cant wait to see what you guys post!

P.S never take anything personal and dont let people get you down<3

Much love


My very first grow was outdoor in a used 1000 Liter water res on a roof, it was back in 2000, started with 10 bagseeds from a good sativa outdoor smoke, 7 popped 3 were males, 4 were huge single cola with many side branches, they smoked so good, I was so stupid i hung them in a closet completely shut and travelled for 2 weeks, i have no idea how they did not mold, when i came back, they were great, smoked for a long time, very potent stuff. My second first grow was my indoor about 2002-2003 was a hydro flood and drain in growrocks, the same system that i use today, although i tried dwc coco perlite rockwool and what else, this is still my fav, my very first system. i still have equipment that dates back to my first day when i started out


sweet story zem:) i still have a light i still useXD not as old as some of your stuff though forsure!

Oldest picture I could find, not my “first” grow, it was my first scrog back in 2001. Growin in my spare bathroom.
I know I posted this on the old OG back in the day, its got my old avatar on there.

Hhahah… what a mess, but still hit .8 GPW.


Wow my very first grow was just a simple closet grow. I had 2 Nirvana Ice plants from what was Gypsy Nirvana at that time, under 4 x 45 watt cfl flood lights I bought from Home Depot about 20 years ago…just pots and miracle grow on a metro shelf wrapped in tin foil…thats as complex as I knew how at the time. They came out very nice given the conditions and been hooked on growing ever since.


Bagseed grown in promix and hand watered with chem nutes in a Bubba giant beercan about 1 gallon. Bagseed "durban’ and unknown gift seed in another. durban was beautiful, crystal covered and .1% thc LOL. The other was probably lemon skunk, pungent, not too crystally ratty looking single cola that ripped everyones head-off! Cloned? of course not. Knew then I had a lot of learning ahead of me and sites like this helped me dial in my skills. Realized all the love and interest has to focus on being a good farmer, not the end result. A new growers most important skill is patience and self discipline not desire for smoking weed. Grow autoflowers? No fucking way, there are NO shortcuts Hey its 4:20 (I have a schedule LOL)


This was my first grow in 2003, it all got stolen right when it was about done curing… This site helped me alot to do this, can’t remember what I hit on it.

<img src="/uploads/default/original/2X/e/e91efdd756034785e9b817dfe48d46bb5c97e7b4.jpg" width=“690” height=“460”<img src="/uploads/default/original/2X/7/72dedf52508b913fb3009e9d105c755d477093d3.JPG" width=“690” height="460


Bagseed, Grand Daddy Purple. Harvested probably a week or two early. Yielded 3.8 ounces. Used old BlackStar LEDs and MiracleGro Nature’s Care Organics. This was last winter/this spring.


im loving this guys!! keep it coming


This was my next run, using two ViparSpectra V450s. The topped one was Heavyweight Fruit Punch, the Christmas Tree is Big Buddha’s Blue Cheese.


Beautiful!!! looks way better then my buds foshoXD

Awe, I wouldn’t say that. I think we both grow pretty damned good.

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my first indoor grow was in 1994. I wish I had pictures. It was at my friend Jeff’s (r.i.p.) house. he had a small space under his stairs. we used two rubber maid tubs for the media. It was some kind of soiless mix and we used what we could get from walmart for nutes. for lighting we used super powerful 4ft t12’s. I think there were like 4 two bulb fixtures. some were vertical for side lighting because as you can imagine it got crazy in there. crazy stretch. that is where I saw and grew out my first trifoliate plant as well. we harvested and got huge buds that when dried were all fluff with tricomes. After that I lined a closet with mirrors trying to increase the light. about this time I started self teaching myself with the local hemp plants that grow all across the midwest. I taught myself to transplant and clone all with “ragweed”. I would experiment with different variables as to learn how to grow better.

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Good bump!


First time I planted a seed was 1992. I asked a naughty high schooler in my neighborhood for some seeds. Popped the beans under an incandescent grow light in my closet. Killed them when they were a few lanky-inches tall because pre-teen me got scared of the popo.

Second time, '96. Asked fellow naughty high schooler for some seeds. Germinated indoor (I had a lot of plants at the time), moved outdoor to a discrete location. Parents eventually found out, they were rather displeased and proceeded to murder them.

Then in 1997 I actually tried smoking the stuff that I was trying to grow :laughing:

First real grow was 2001. Built a 3’ x 3’ x 7’ box for a 430-watt HPS (enhanced blue spectrum!), and dedicated part of my bookshelf to cloning with T8s. Wish I could remember the first strain I grew, but the grow journal, computer, and old Overgrow have all been lost to the sands of time. Subsequent grows I remember better :slight_smile: Bogglegum is the first strain that dropped my jaw, both with yield and quality. Kali Mist was a lanky pain, but the smoke was amazing… and then the mum got destroyed by spider mites. KC-36, Top 44, Skunk #1, White Widow, Hashplant… good times.

Then I took a 12-year break, my green thumb turned black, and here I am today :laughing:


Haha I have a log of my first grow right below this thread… The CFL log grow one. First grow ever.


First plant I ever grew was in 2004on the hill behind my house. I had one female from a couple beans my hippie grow mentor gave me. It was so skunky you could smell it a couple hundred yards away and was the best smoke I’d have for the next 6 year’s. I got two maybe three oz. hard to say since at that time I didn’t have a scale. Then, back in 2010 I actually found the rest of the beans he gave me that I’d stashed away and forgot about, but sadly they were all dead after so long of improper storage.


My very first grow was back in the spring of 1969. Seeds were never a problem because the Mexican weed we got back then was loaded with them. My family was living along the banks of the Hudson River and about a mile away, on the other side of the river, I started about 5 plants that made it for about 3 weeks, as I remember, before they all got clipped down by the rabbits.
Although I had no idea of what I was doing back then and my grow didn’t make it very long, this is when my interest was first sparked and I began to learn little by little.
This was also when I first started to fall in love with a wonderful new culture that was still in it’s infancy in those days. The same culture that I still cherish today, 48 years later. :evergreen_tree: