Who remembers their first grow? Trips down memory lane

So my buddy I grow with that I’ve essentially taught what I’ve learned along the way (I’m much more into the perfecting everything aspect than he is) were talking about how far we’ve come, in a relatively short amount of time at that and how proud we were of ourselves for it.

So I wanted to see if anyone else wanted to take a humbling walk down memory lane to share their days of old, should make for quite a bit of fun if your journeys were anything like mine

A few were too large of megapixels? Haven’t gotten that one before, probably the dumb windows phone from back then. This is December 2018-February/March 2019 and my very first grow in my laundry room in a 2x4x5 (that I still use for veg right now) with 100w blurple King LEDs.

Like I said it’s CRAZY to see how far we’ve come, though my buddy also pointed out I’ve tried the better portion of growing methods in these two years both indoors and out lol so maybe I’m a bit competitive or am over achiever

And here’s now for comparison :grin:

Ok now YOUR turn


8 posts were merged into an existing topic: How & When did YOU start growing cannabis