Do You Use Superthrive? :)

Good morning OG :slight_smile:

How many of you use Superthrive?? :grinning:

I have used this stuff for over 20 years, and it has done my plants justice. The effects on ā€œroot growthā€ is amazing too! :heart_eyes:

Growers use to really get into this product. Hardly hear anyone using it these days, especially on this site. Im wondering why.

What is your opinion, or input, or experience using Superthriveā€¦ Proā€™s?, conā€™s?, etc.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


I used to but donā€™t now because I donā€™t have any lol. To be honest I never noticed any difference either way, but I always figured it couldnā€™t hurtā€¦I know it has some vitamins etc that could be beneficial.


I was never crazy impressed with it. Thereā€™s a lot of better products out there imo. I first used it as a cheap replacement for technaflora thrive alive b1 red and didnā€™t live up to it. Iā€™ve found better than the technaflora since also.


Morning Beacher :slight_smile:

Personally, I use one drop per gallon in soil or hydro. Ive noticed improved plant health, and my roots always turn out a whole lot better. :wink:

I have ran my dwc buckets without Superthrive only one time, and the root mass was much smallerā€¦ About 50% less! Just sayinā€™ ā€¦ :smirk:

I wouldnā€™t grow without it! :trophy:


What kind of issues did you have with this product?? Did it do anything positive? negative? Thanks.


I do I do :rofl: must say Iā€™m a little on the fence with it. It does make a difference but no more difference than me slowly upping my feed but I do use it usually every 2 weeks I give them a feed with it in there.

Itā€™s just what Iā€™ve done and stuck to since I started like if itā€™s not broke donā€™t fix it type of thing but tbh probably wonā€™t buy it when this bottle runs out as Iā€™m thinking of changing my feed line seen as itā€™s supposedly the shittest feed(CANNA) but weā€™ll see Iā€™m fine with the results so not sure if fully wanna change. Anyway I use it for now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1:t2:


And how much do you use? drop a gallon etcā€¦


You can only use it during veg. While other products can be used full grow. If you do use it during flower your weed will taste like shit. Like i said compared to other products it didnā€™t do as well. Simple terms Iā€™ve gotten bigger healthier plants with other products.
Edit i use growmore bio cozyme and pour kelp4less b vitamin blend in it. Going with growmore jumpstart next time. Basically the same thing i mixed together.


1ml to either 3L or 5L but think itā€™s 3L. Whatsver the bottle says on the back never tried to push above that as I heard overdoing it will kill the plants.


Well I tried Superthrive around 35 years ago.
I never noticed any difference whatsoever.
I have not used it since then.

I have found that many gardening products (cannabis and non cannabis) do not deliver the purported benefits they claim.


I wanna say this,ā€¦ If you use more than 2 drops per gallon, you are only asking for trouble. For instance, I have seen clones dry up, and perish using anything more. But when i use it sparingly my roots grow like crazy!

1 to 2 drops per gallonā€¦ MAX! :wink:


I have used it over the years as well, and still have some on hand. Itā€™s just B1, I havent noticed any benefit from it, but have burnt some clones up with it before. Its supposed to be ok for preventing transplant shock, but outside of that scope I have read plenty of articles explaining why B1 is essentially snake oil.


Pretty sure it says a drop to a cup. Iā€™ll go check bottle
In a min lol itā€™s one of those I donā€™t use it every feed so donā€™t recall the figures.


Just looked at my new bottle, and it says one drop per cupā€¦ The old batch I used said ā€œOne drop per gallonā€ ā€¦ Maybe they made it weaker, or ??

Thanks for bringing that up! :astonished:


To the left by my finger ā€œtender plants: As little as a drop a galā€ n ya can read the chart so yeh not sure where you got that one from but I also donā€™t use it every single feed, in regards to clones like you said putting more than a drop or 2 per gal I wouldnā€™t do but Iā€™ve seen 0 issues using 1ML per 3L unless nitrogen sensitive plants but IME thatā€™s far and few between but I donā€™t use thrive for clones usually unless Iā€™m out of my normal feed and want the N for growth :man_shrugging:t2:


Haha same time :rofl: but yeh man itā€™s not that bad if you was to guestimate mixes I think youā€™d run into trouble thrive isnā€™t overly potent :+1:t2:


haha Drop in a cup, or 1/4 teaspoon per gallonā€¦ Im gonna blame that shit on the millenials! lol


Well, even at a drop or two per gallon, It has made a major difference.

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I used it for a long time, when it had green cap, it looked like magic, but after it changed to white cap, it looks like the product lost its magic


Wow!.. You may be on to something. Thats very interesting what you have observed. But, it still seems to work for me.(new batch). Great reply bro :slight_smile: