Do You Use Superthrive? :)

Where do you purchase this product and what is the price compared to
Tarantula microrizzal.

“rootmass expander”

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I almost puked after you mentioned advanced nutrients!

I dont use anything thats related to advanced nutrients at all…

Put yourself on their mailing list, and see what happens. They push their shit on you day after day, year after year…

If their products are so great, than why do they pester their potential customers til he/she is sick of it?? Its all about the money.

I had to make a new email addy because of it. Marketing is one thing, But bugging someone to buy their products on an everyday basis is straight up rude.

They are overpriced, and most of their products are unecessary, and way over rated… Sorry, I dont discuss products from AN…

You can buy Superthrive anywhere… Super markets, nursery’s… you name it! And the best part, no extra shipping costs.


Yeah whats the price ?

About 12 bucks for 4 ounces… Will last a long time! :slight_smile:

removed at request of OP

@shroomgod Hey Man, please dont instagram anything to do with AN, under my name, or post. Making me look like Im using there crap!.. Not cool. Thank you

I just want input on “Superthrive” and that is all. If you like your AN garbage, thats your thing. Please stick to the original topic.

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I use superthrive. I’ve never done a comparison but like to use it with transplant. Used it in hydro also


I tried SuperThrive before I started growing organic. I didn’t really see much difference. These days I list it in the snake oil category. It’s my understanding the main components of superthrive are Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), chelated iron and B1. Just my 2¢.


Thank you for your input @PlantShepherd :grinning::+1:

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Curious… How much do you use in hydro? Thanks.

I use 15 milliliter per res change so 15 mil liters per 27 gallon reservoir.

Ok, Thank you. I use 1 or 2 drops per gallon in hydro. Really makes the roots grow! :grinning:


I had it and used it on plants that were too young. They died haha. And my animals are attracted to it and I think it’s bad for them, I gave it away and stopped using it. But people have sworn by it for years, I always heard to use 1/4 strength on weed though haha. And depending on your setup roots in hydro can take a while to dial in. I had good results in dwc when I switched the H2O2 for the water to food grade. Idk why but roots where eggshell white after that.


Hmm… Never had to use hydrogen peroxide… Did you have root issues?

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yea I had a plant that had lots of weeks veg growth and nutes that cost money I fed it die and leaves and top of the plant looked cool and I looked at roots and they had become off white. Lots of research said that it was from not changing the water enough or washing the buckets well enough or keeping the grow room clean enough, and in my research it said to use a tiny amount of it in a 5 gallon bucket and it should not be enough to hurt the plant, but enough to not let bacteria ever grow. And the food grade for some reason was effective and the regular brown bottle from the drug store was not. Always good to be clean but to not be able to grow bacteria will stop the problem before it starts. Never happened again but hydro I had bad luck. When it goes bad it happens fast and if you ever go out of town for a day you can’t relax haha.


Got that right Dale. I check my hydro plants all the time(work out of my home). Make sure the ph is correct etc etc… And as far as vacations are concerned, There are none when you get involved in hydroponics… Thank you for your reply. :slight_smile:

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and the pump noise I didn’t like it, the nugs were big but kinda airy and same strains I grew in soil tasted better and were more dense. Took longer but I like it better ymmv but yes all hydro should come with a waiver say goodbye to life outside the grow for periods of longer than 6 hours haha. A lot of my grow was ill conceived, like super powerful fan to offset 1000w hps in tent, plus noise from 5gal dwc air stone pump and oscillating fan noise. It was like living inside a bee hive, sound wise.

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Oh I know what your talking about… lol… I run a 200 watt air pump in my flowering room when I run an 8 pack,… and have oscillating fans turbulating big air 24 hours a day… … Sounds like a train coming 24/7! haha In all reality, its not too bad.

I live in the country, and no one is around. I wear ear plugs at night. Iam a slave to the hydro babes!.. It is what it is. Pro’s and con’s…

Last really awesome weed I bought was called Puck never heard of the strain and I asked the guy and he said hey man the grow light is the sun, the watering is done by the rain, and the soil used comes from the ground maybe a dinosaur millions of years ago. He grows 6 footers outside and limits the sale to below bulk so it will last but so good, you know when it has a good cure but you still can’t touch with your bare hands without them getting sappy with weed stickies.

(homer simpson drooling noise)