Do You Use Superthrive? :)

Duke Diamond uses a cut of Skelly Hashplant called “puck”. Wonder if it’s the same?

Stashplant: Skelly hashplant “Puck” x Screaming Eagle (AirborneG13 x “88 G13 Hashplant x Afghani”)


Wow that must be some concentrated shit there!

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Yes it is. Thats why ya gotta be extra careful. I cant believe the dosage instructions on their “new package”… 1/4 teaspoon per gallon?? Ya right!! :laughing:

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The company may be taking all there concentrated product and watering it down to make more product to get you to use more perhaps? I see it everywhere had thought about using it once but never have. I think Like many many other things like vitamin c , aspirin and many other water soluble vitamins can have a positive effect in plants . … I work in a pharmacy and there’s people who swear but putting the Iv solutions such as Tpn and bannana bags on their plants that it works like magic ! Maybe I should try some on my solo cup plants?


Maybe I’ll sneak a vial of potassium out and experiment on some plants.


Well, you may think this is kinda odd… Iam a bodybuilder, and I ingest many top notch vitamins and minerals each and everyday. When I first got started growing Mj, I used to pee in the soil…Like once a week. Well, my plants loved it!. In fact, the plant that made it into High times magazine, and cannabis culture was brought up from my urine, and Peters fertilizer…(no pun intended). The only reason I dont mess with it today, is because my grows are inside my house. Dont want that pee pee smell! No BS! :smile:


I total agree a lot of those water Soluble vitamins not used by the body get excreted in the urine may be try some OTC thiAmine pill and grind one up in a gallon of water and water your plants I’d bet it’s very similar to super thrive.

On a side note you’ll probably find something interesting here


Interesting… And guess what? Thats the main ingredient in “Superthrive”… The only problem I see with superthrive is that it sorta acts like “Nitrogen” when used on a plant. You give a clone, or a small plant a big dose, and it looks like nutrient burn… or an excess of “nitrogen”… But, its actually frying the root zone. Yikes! :hushed:

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I used to take DOUBLE xx a multivitamin put out by Nutralife a company that make vitamins for Amway distributors best damn vitamins in the world IMO any ways in a side note that vitamin supplement had high Thiamine in it and a bit off subject but when on it it was a very good mosquito repellent the excess would leach through the skin and would keep mosquitos away!


Hmmm …What do you think of the vitamin/mineral supplement called “Alive”… Its made from vegetables and fruit… etc All natural, so they say.

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Never heard of it but I should take more vitamins can it be found in vitamins shops easily?

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I’ll throw one back at ya in the morning A green powder drink with all sort of shit it it like wheat grass but heading to bed Nice chatting with ya will pick up in the AM with that drink supplement!

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I’ve been taking it for hella, and Yes, you can find it everywhere… I seen a consumer review/report about these vitamins, and something like 3700 people gave it a 5 star review… Thats pretty damn good… lol

Hey, ill give you a tip, and this goes out to all the Men out there as well. Take 50 mg of zinc a day. You wont believe how much better you will feel. And your testosterone levels will go through the roof! I take a 100 mgs a day, and I know it works. Your lady friend will Thank you for it too. Now I sound like that commercial!.. :laughing:

Sexual enhancers main ingredient is “Zinc”… You probably know that.


It was a pleasure chit chattin’ with ya buddy. Your a very interesting individual… Very smart. Keep in touch… :wave::grinning:


Fish emulsion can be as unpleasant as fertilizer even sealed in the bottle haha.


I have stopped taking all vitamins and supplements. Wouldn’t call myself a body builder but I lift n kickbox bro when I got sick one time I forgot to take my vitamins and my schedule got all out of whack which I just said ahh well I’ll stop taking them for a week while I’m sick and start again. I was sick for one day but felt drained for 2 weeks I’ll never take that shit again I don’t know if it’s just that brand they put crack in there or something but I felt so dead and since then I’ve never took them for the pure fact I felt like I was withdrawing without a rattle.


Thanks for the compliment and U2 ya I rarely get sick wasn’t sick at all in those vitamins and several years ago I started in mushrooms medicinal not psilocybin but growing oysters so I got in to mushroom supplements as well these in particular these really boost immune system as well I swear by these!

18 mushroom species in this one not sure if it will show a little on the pricey side but hell if it keeps ya out of the doctors office


@CLOSETGROWTH this is the stuff I was talking about

on weird side note Iv thought about throwing this in a watering can and watering my plants with it this seems to boost my energy levels as well

Sorry for turning you thread into a vitamin infomercial! Lol

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there is a vitamin that is endorsed by Travis Rice where the sherpas hand pick special Himalaya mushrooms that grow up there only and dry and grind them into these vitamins, supposed to be good for energy and immune response.

I took the flintstones ones as a kid they kept me strong and growing but I didn’t take them after that. Instead whenever I feel like I got a scurvy coming on or whatever not getting good vitamins, I keep frozen berries in the fridge, grind them into a smoothy with milk or but them in other stuff. Just be careful some say they have kale too but they don’t bag the kale separately and kale is good for you but tastes awful.

One bag I got just because it said product of usa. In small letters I saw at home it says they grow the berries in south america and asia then ship them to usa and rebag them lol.

Ratio was even among berries but then 50 / 50 berry mix to kale, and a lot of the kale were stalks which I don’t consider food.

It only costs a little more to buy the berries in their own bags and only get what you want.

I can eat spinach but I don’t think much kale eating is in my future, yucko. I never get sick.


Morning Explorer. :slight_smile:

I would say your body was used to the vitamins, and since you abruptly stopped taking them caused a “rebound” effect, and put your system into a slight “shock”, or maybe a better term would be called “scurvy”… If I stopped taking my vitamins today, My body/mind would do the same exact thing. I stopped taking my vitamins about a dozen times throughout the decades, just so I wasnt overdoing things, and it wasn’t good at all. I was weak, grumpy, and felt like shit. You either gotta take em religiously/everyday, or dont take em at all. I dont think it was the vitamins, it was the “regimen” that was altered, which in turn made you feel all sick, and weak… I’ll bet if you took em again, and kept up with the daily dosage, you would feel even better. Im a completely different person on vitamins. :slight_smile:

Thats awesome that you lift, and kick box!! Find out lots of interesting things about people, once everyone opens up. I used to abuse steroids back in the day, and it got me arrested many times from “roid rage”… I cant say I’m 100% off the juice, But I know my limits. I lift weights here at my house 3-4 times a week, and I crave the endorphin rush… Cant imagine my life without lifting. Been doing it since I was like 12 years old… haha…

Thanks for chiming in Explorer, your one cool dude! :grinning::+1: