Do You Use Superthrive? :)

Been there, dont that… Its great for outdoor, unless you have a bunch of cats! lol


Very interesting!.. I cant say that Ive ever run across that make, or type of vitamin before. Iam definetely gonna look into buying some, and give it a whirl. Thanks for sharing!.. :slight_smile::+1:

I see that you grow your weed organically too! Well, I gotta hand it to ya, you are totally into health, and you know whats up! … Unfortunately, Dont see too many people into health these days. Too many X-boxes, and Dairy Queen commercials!.. haha

Here’s what I take, along with 100 mg of zinc… I take the Zinc at night… Have colorful and vivid dreams! … Dont wanna take em together, it messes with calcium absorption.

Nature’s Way Alive! :slight_smile:

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You’re spot on bro that’s why I just stopped taking them and try to alter my diet as much as possible to cram the vitamins and minerals in without using supplements. One thing I do miss is the “healing” from the fish oils so when muscle tears come through the gains I’d be ok within a couple of days vs now it’ll take me a week to feel less tender.

On the roids subject I’ve never taken them myself but I know some people in my gym are open n honest and tell you they use roids like the one dude who springs to mind is a beast but he’s a deadlifter 40+ year old and says he uses roids because he’s not a spring chicken anymore and likes to keep up his lifting regime so it’s one of those each to their own subjects.

I have slacked off gym a bit in the last couple months I tend to stick more to my regime at home and all I do nowadays is arms and chest, bit of core and ofc cardio/air sparring to stay war ready :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I’m hardly in the best shape I could be but honestly with my current lifestyle 2-3 hours of gym daily doesn’t fit without me losing money so gotta do what ya gotta do but same to you man you seem like a good guy to know no doubt we will speak more on your other threads but for now I won’t clog the superthrive thread :blush:


Great conversations with ya all! Isnt it funny, we went from “Superthrive” to “vitamins” and then “health”.

Its cool, maybe we educated a few about vitamins? At least its a healthy topic… No harm… No regrets. We’ll chat later :wave: :grinning:


I knew a roid guy he lost his hair I didnt ask about his nads but it hurts them or makes them lose size or potency or does something bad to them I think.

Anyway the guy when I knew him was soft and no longer roiding or working out (totally worth it) but at least he chain smoked cigs and blunts and was even worse alcoholic than me (I have stopped for years [holds for lauding praise haha]).

Last time I saw Mr. Roids his cousin was my roommate at the time, and it was morning I had to go somewhere and looked like shit didn’t bother to shave and my hair looked rough and roommate rowdy roidy’s cousin says I got clippers and cut my own hair let me edge you up before stepping out so you look less like pile of shit. I said thanks and he cuts my hair.

By the time I have half long hair and half buzz cut, his cousin in the morning stumbles into our apartment obviously had been drinking and driving to get there and starts beating the bejesus out of his cousin suckerpunch style as he is cutting my hair.

It was city apartments and we were in outside front stairs the fight went out there and I have crazy guy half cut hair holding these two idiots off each other no idea what the fight is about.

So later when I talk to my roommate I’m like why is he so fucking drunk and pissed off at you? And the cousin tells me they got drunk and he forgot about his cousin had the car or whatever only way out, and the cousin doesn’t live in the same town and spent all his money drinking and was too drunk to even find his own car. Then at that point my roommate ditched him going after some ho (who shot him down totally worth it hahaha) and turned off his phone the whole time.

Hahahah super glad to not be around them now but alcohol is terrible.

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You can only get them through an Amway distributor kinda of like Shaklee back in the day multilevel marketing company that’s been around like 75 + years

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Can I buy candy cigarettes or a cap gun from you?

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Lol nope haven’t been a distributor for years … don’t think that was on their list for availability go check your local dime grocery store !

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Alive has cordyceps mushrooms in it. Google that for a fun ride! Yours too @Tinytuttle. Fun stuff!


You can buy vitamine b1 in gallon form from most places, its normally near the alaskan fish fertilizer and sea kelp, big blue bottle. It’s cheaper then super thrive, and smells identical. I wouldent use it In large amounts it’s common use in agriculture is to reduce transplant shock not as a constant supplement.


nice bright white roots :heart:

all the best


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Well I’ll be damn didn’t ever think Nutralife would expand into the amazon market but here they are google more info on Nutralife it’s self interesting company based in California I believe IIRRC®-DOUBLE-Vitamin-Mineral-Phytonutrient/dp/B000U38YH8

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Superthrive has been around forever, it’s a great product despite how gimmicky the label is; also dirt cheap compared to almost every other hydro store supplement.

Ingredients: B-vitamins and possibly other plant hormones.

That being said, there are products that have a full range of vitamins, hormones, aminos, fulvic/humic, triacontanol, and other supplements in one bottle. Floralicious Plus is a common one, I like Jump Start by Grow More. MB Ferts also has a nice broad spectrum supplement, “Secret Sauce”.


I don’t know whats in it but shout outs to pure blend and earth juice, with whom all things are possible…

I used to follow Drbudgreengenes recipe with Superthrive. Used it for cloning with decent success as well. Now I just use kelp and/or Recharge.


Speaking of plant hormones, there is a product called cytoplex, I’d also recommend sensi zyme its powerful stuff.


I’ve used SuperThrive since my beginning in growing weed.
As some else stated it is for veg or cloning. But after flowering starts B1 will work against setting of flowers. I use a few drops when I cut for cloning material, letting the cuttings soak a few hours before perp and poke into whatever I got to clone in.
I’ve also used and love Hormex B1 also very nice for cloning.