Does curing increase potency?

A friend and I are having a healthy debate. Wanted to get some OGer’s opinion on this.

Is curing really necessary?

Does proper curing does increase potency of thc/terps.etc…If so, how?


Well it’s better to let it sit for a while an mature,
You ever smoke weed you just dried without the cure there’s a big difference well I think ,it’s kinda harsh without letting it sit for a week


Necessary yes.

Increase potency no.

It’s much better when it’s had a chance to mature.


My opinion is if the bud is potent , fresh or cured youre going to get pretty high. I think the terpenes do change as it sits though. Usually gets lil smoother and sometimes flavors that you didnt really notice at first start coming out. Big thing to me is the bud actually being evenly dry.


I agree smooth smoke

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This has been curing for a couple of months still stinks when I open the jar

It’s a smooth smoke,pretty harsh when I first smoked it after drying in a bag for 10 days
I don’t use the grove bags or moisture packs I’m to cheap lol


The first plant I grew I was patient and waited 2 months for it to cure but friends wanted to try it and I was curious to get a report on it. First few weeks the feedback was “not great man, sorry” and that was them being nice. No one even wanted some to take home :laughing: 2 months later and some further samples and no could get enough of it. The most narcotic strain I’ve ever felt.

The Ghost Rose I have now got a heavier stone after a proper cure too. Could just be the trichs getting a little more amber maybe?


I followed a trail that took me to a 1967 paper,

“gas chromatographic separation estimation of each component, indicated that after storage of dried sample of (I) for four months at room temperature, 93% of marihuana components was found as phenol carboxylic acid, in which the ratio of CBDA, THCA and CBNA was 6/85/5, while 70% of the components was converted into phenols during the storage of dried sample of (I) at 35C for two months.”

Google “phenol carboxylic acid curing”

And I get hit (not the good hits) of epoxy curing. Seems I need to do some more searching.


Oh my old eyes lol! I read the thread name wrong…
“Does Cursing increase potency” and thought to myself," Wouldn’t that be nice!" C"mon F@#%er, produce some resin!":sweat_smile::rofl::rofl:I’ve had a few plants I’d have tried that on​:grin:
In all seriousness i think whether Curing increases potency or not depends on the strain. Some are great right when they dry and others take months.


I would say no on increasing potency. I personally feel it improvers the overall experience. It makes the smoke smoother and taste better. Is it necessary, no, but I do prefer it dried and cured.


Dried and cured is a much better smoke then bone dry tasteless. Definitely worth the effort.


I like to cure it in jars or oven bags and burp it every day for a month or longer depending on how smooth said bud is… sampling it helps. I don’t think there is any increase in potency. But almost always a more pleasant experience after curing.


Maybe not more potent but a longer lasting effect after curing I think and MUCH smoother.


Yeah. “It’s pretty harsh guy.”

Hard to say no you can’t have a sample. They just think you’re a dick.

But, giving away shitty weed now might save you some good weed in the future :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yes. I believe this is the case. It depends how you define potency. One of the best things I’ve ever smoked was hash that was a year old. Totally different experience.


Heavier stone then it might be the conversion to CBN, which gives more of the couch lock effect?


No matter how good it is when it dries, it will get even better as it cures.
The reason I think it seems less potent at first, is because the moisture that remains isn’t evenly distributed. Therefore the bud doesn’t burn well so it appears to be less potent. I don’t know I just smoke.
But I have noticed that some strains take forever to cure, get better. Those are usually the more denser strains. Crack open a nug that’s been in a jar for a few weeks, and sometimes they are as wet as a fresh dried in the middle. And of course this will not smoke or taste at its best.


If you take vitamins or anything like they have these tiny white culinary grade humidity packs in them.Save those and toss one or two in a jar and it works just as good as any of those Boveda bags they have.So many people toss those and don’t think about it.


That’s a good idea

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Exactly brò you said one thing right indeed I dare to say after a week I give jars and smokable but still not completely dried 15 days in the jar and perfect certainly after a week it can start smoking it but the tanning is very important


Yes, it changes the experience. Some strains more than others.
Strawberry Kush changed the most for me.
IIRC the longer the flowering, the more the change. - 10wks-ish (and a genetic herm)
Cured in mason jars / burped for about 5 min daily until “right”.

Fresh Dried - very euphoric, floaty body and happy, busy brain. A strong need to go do “something” - almost speedy. I seemed to end up outside a lot. Lasted about an hour.
Appearance was lime green with lots of trich sparkle.

2 months curing - seemed optimum. - overall stronger sensation. Not floaty anymore, but very heavy body stone, narcotic. Clear headed but happy & relaxed - good for reading.
Appearance was more olive green with a beautiful golden glow to it. Still an all-day smoke for me, but too much results in a nap. Lasts for hours.