Does this look like a potassium deficiency?

Ok, i made some changes.
First, I sprayed my plants down with capt jack’s tomato & veg (pyrethrin/sulfur) to take care of any thrips.
Second, changed my nutrients to Maxigro 10-5-14. I am now mixing 5 gallons at a time to be more consistent in my ph and ppm.
This watering was 420ppm and 6.4 ph.
Measured my runoff and it was 800ppm and 6.7 ph.
I am trying to keep better notes with this run and learn from my mistakes.
Will see how this new food affects the plants. I am planning on alternating plain water every 3 days.


No you seem to be using the chemical known as Miracle Grow we do not use Miracle Grow on things in which we consume like fruits vegetables tobacco marijuanas and medicines that is for Botanicals only flowers that’s is what Botanicals mean you do not want to use chemicals on products that you or you consumers going to consume

IMO that looks like a combo of Potassium and Magnesium deficiencies or lockouts. The lighter colored leaf serrations, and the sort of “tiger striping” of the leaves are telltale signs