Need help with some kind of deficiency!

So I have two plants going on three weeks flowering. I have been only feeding them FF big bloom and rotating Ph water every other watering. They are grown in FF soil. Temps in the tent are 77 to 81 and RH% is constant at 50. I noticed it start with one leaf and has now spread to pretty much all the larger fan leaves. The leaves are cupping and look/feel wilting. Also the tips on some look like hooks and others are white which I find odd.


To me it looks like some minor nute burn … It does typically will show up at the very tips of the leaves first. This is what I use to adjust nute levels instead of a ppm meter lol. i…e a tiny bit of leaf tip burn means don’t add any more npk. The curling/floppy leaves could also be about the same thing, but honestly they don’t look like something to panic about.
I am not sure if the soil you are using is inert or has nutrients in it. If it does have nutes it can be difficult if you are also adding extra nutes to get the levels bang on as you have no idea of the levels in the soil, or a what rate they are being released to the plant. typically I either stick to a super soil and water with only additives like kelp, fulvic humic acids or something like a 60/40 coco/perlite and a full nutrient regime. As I said though, I wouldn’t panic about them at this point if it were me.


Try to flush with distilled and pHed water (no nutes) and check the ppm’s and pH of the runoff, that will give you an idea of what’s going on and if the soil is actually real hot … :sunglasses:


Thanks for the feedback @slain! Yeah I’ve pretty much determined its the nutes that are causing issues. The soil is organic and has alfalfa meal, bone meal, worm castings, and guano amendments in it. I figured that I wouldn’t need a whole lot in the way of ferts but I decided to use just a quarter strength/gallon of the big bloom. Which is also organic(.01 - .3 - .7) npk. I didn’t realize that small of an addition/change could cause such a small but significant problem. I will be cutting back on the ferts for a while at least!


The tacoing is likly a magnesium deficiency. The tips are likely copper deficiency. They’re just hungry in general. I have experience with Fox Farm products. Big Bloom isn’t a fertilizer. It’s more of an additive “enhancer”. Really just over priced hot dog water. It’s definitely not going to burn your plants. Right now your plants are going into the most aggressive stage of growth. By now they’ve used up the amendments you added into your small pots. The Complete Guide to Sick Plants, pH and Pest troubles! | International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums


Hey @Skiball really, so you dont think its burn, but the opposite in fact? These leaves aren’t yellow or white though just white and brown tips. I just started feeding them unsulphered molasses a day ago, and the only other ferts I have are FF grow big and big bloom. I think I’ll wait and monitor the next 3 to 5 days with just the PHed water and molasses. Although if they are indeed hungry like you say, what do you reccomend?!


I had deficiencies with using the full line of fox farm. So using their hot dog water alone, can only imagine. The fact the made it this far in such small pots says something about your amendments.

I havent had a single deficiency the entire grow in fact up until now. I think 3 gallon pots are a decent size for wanting a small personal grow? I’ve seen people growing in alot smaller containers than 3 gallon before. Either way so what flowering nutes are you recommending?

they look thirsty. Might want to try a cal mag foliar spray, water to 20-30% runoff every few days.

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Definitely not thirsty, he just watered

All they need is a good dose of LIFTA

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Always thought it was a P deficiency when the tips turn upward and look a little burnt. :confused:

You have to click the pic, shows all defs

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Ya 3 gal pots are fine but not if you’re trying to use soil amendments alone. My go to for bottle nutes is growmore. If you’re trying to stay organic I’ve had good luck with bio bizz. Also everyone should have epsom salt on hand.

Thanks for the info @Skiball!

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Can you help me with mine ?

150w cfl.
PH 6.0-6.5

Calcium defficientcy ?

When it comes to deficiencies it’s not so important to pin point the exact element that’s missing. It’s not likely you’re going to go buy the single element like iron sulfate to fix an iron issue. You first need to answer are you sure all element’s are available. If you’re using Gh as directed then yes. It’s a time tested solid base nute. Next you need to pin point why they aren’t being absorbed by the plant. That’s where ph, root health (including oxygen availability) and even humidity come into play.


Click on the pic I posted above and it shows all defs

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Got color little tip burn look overwatered but top of medium looks dry. Shes fed. Personally id do couple things. Uppot sightly into fabric or more breathable pots give a good phed watering n hit with microbes like recharge or similar in a tea then some litfa.

What ph are you running with? And how are you testing it? Soil ,fluids going in, runoff etc.

Looks to me more like a shes little overloved. But the added room n oxygen down low will help a lot. And microbes usually balance mysoil out pretty good when i flush with em.

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Thanks @rooted I’ve since been watering with ph to 5.8 to 6.0 adding molasses. One tablespoon per gallon to help build microbes in soil. Testing using the hydroponics test kit.

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