Does this look like its reversing?

I am doing both the STS spray and Injecting Silver Nitrate into the Stem on this plant, I THINK im starting to see balls growing but this is only my second full grow. Does this look like the reversing is taking? I am injecting and spraying every 3 days.


It’s hard to see in completely in the pictures, how long have you been spraying every 3 days?


Since the 15th and I have injected Silver Nitrate into the stalk twice.

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Well from my experience you should have started spraying every 2 days while it’s in veg for about 1-2 weeks and then in flower every 2 days until you see balls. You can keep spraying and it might come out later. Make sure you are using new chemicals less than a year old, and sorry but no it does not look like it’s taking for the time being.


I started spraying Right as I saw one or 2 pistils, it wasnt fully into flower when I started, I was tryin to catch it right on that border between stages since its an Autoflower plant.

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Spray early because it takes about 2-3 weeks before it can absorb into the plant. I take it as a learning experience. It your chemical are good it will take eventually keep at it and it will turn male


Sts thats being used only takes a couple of sprays to get a plant to throw balls. Colloidal silver takes a few weeks of daily spraying to do the same. I’m thinking maybe you got the 2 confused??


Imo , it will reverse. It’s usually just when you think it didn’t work, you start seeing the reversal.


From my personal experience i did the same thing he did and sprayed late. It took awhile after hairs grew and finally turned male. Just speaking from my own experience. I think it also depends on the plant and how well the plant takes. Just my personal experience is all.


Yeah personally I’ve had no experience using sts but CS I’ve made thousands of seeds. CS requires regular spraying to make a plant change sex and dump pollen and even then its hit or miss if the pollen if viable. Sts is the way forward. Usually it only takes 3 to 4 applications to do its job
I wish the op luck and hope the goals are achieved. :+1:


Dude, I have the same problem as yours, I applied it twice at the beginning of 1 week and after 7 days, I only saw a few balls and still a lot of pestilences, I’m waiting here… my solution had been in store for a long time… following your saga here


Timing the spray is one of the most important parts. And if you want it to pollinate plants of the same age you really need to start spraying a month before you want everything to start flowering. That’s two weeks before flipping to 12/12 and two weeks to start seeing flowers on everything.

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On this one I am aiming to reverse the top of the plant and Self Pollinate the lower branches for S1 Seeds.

I am working with Autoflowers, so timing is not quite as easy as it is with Photoperiods.

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howd it work out?

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Didnt, the plant died lol. My fault over did it on the silver nitrate injections.