First fem reversal

Decided to reverse a Barney’s farm liberty Hayes onto some chosen females. 2 1/2 weeks since flip no sign of pre-flowers. As of yet I’m sure it’s still a little early here they are and the last picture is of the chosen donor.


The one I’m doing now took just over three weeks to confirm massive clusters of balls, :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: but I’m still waiting on powder… :crazy_face::point_left:


Hey thanks for the input rasterman. :+1:


I had to break out the loupe on Mango Smile to see sacs on her 3rd treatment, on day 11 from first application.


I have reversed several plants and it always takes at least 3 weeks to see male flowers.


what type of powder ? 1 oz of white powder…?

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I love Liberty Haze. I grew out 3 of them and all were great smoke. Good luck.


does this look like a preflower about to open ?or just a calyx

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I think it is a calyx.


Think so too

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What method did you use, STS, C. Silver, Gibberellic Acid @joheimgrohen

What method are you using, STS, C. Silver, Gibberellic Acid @Reznfingeez33

Colloidal silver

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STS, home mixed. I’ve been told my concentrations are a bit too high, but it’s effective! Only ever had 1 strain fight me using STS, so far. Mephisto’s Mango Smile. I’ve gotten a couple sacs but no where near what i got every other time.


I reversed a Mango Smile this summer and had a similar experience.


I wonder if the strain is just resistant?I even used a 5th application and still I think I saw maybe 4 sacs. May just have to let this one go.

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I have a liberty haze X iron cindy cross.I would absolutely love to hit one with some of your pollen once you get some. Please let me know if we can work out a deal. Good work and thanks for inspiration!

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What are the ratios for your mix.

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I actually think I toxified mine by too much spraying. I actually got a little bit of pollen and 10-20 seeds, I don’t remember exactly but it wasn’t much.

Going to be my my first upcoming, now I can find out how I need to dilute this down properly so I can prepare a clone for reversal soon. I don’t think it’s supposed to be used concentrated…
