Reversal question

If a Plant starts showing Preflower buds, Is it too late for STS to work?

The plant was being hit with CS, but it was apperantly too old and wasnt working by the time I got the STS it has preflower buds, Is it too late to reverse the plant?


Good question! What happens if STS doesn’t work? Can you start Colloidal Silver? Can you do both at the same time?


Well I already know I can not use this plant if it does flower since its been treated, but I have a second plant that JUST started showing sex I could spray. Just need to know if I need to Keep spraying the first one of if I should just chop in now and call it a day and start sprayin the other while getting a seed going lol


Yea it kinda is, but if it is just starting to preflower you can still use STS/CS and you might still be able to get it to reverse. The entire point of reversing is to chemically block a hormone in the plant that makes it flower. By blocking it you are chemically stressing the plant and in turn the plant then produces pollen sacks.

Both STS and CS do the same thing just different chemicals


I honestly am not 100% sure if it was showing preflowers or if it was new growth that had not spread out yet. But I am pretty sure that the CS I was spraying on it was Old and was not doing much of anything at all, since the sex still showed as female.

How often can I spray STS If I want to push the plant hard to flip? Once a Day? Once every 3 days? Once every 5 days? Once every 7 days? It is an Autoflower which I think I read somewhere are Harder to flip than a Photoperiod.

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I know STS does have a limited shelf life. I do not use CS so I am unsure about how long it will hold for.

Every 3 days should be fine.

If it is an auto you start spraying as soon as the first “true leafs” form. With a photo plant you start spraying once you flip to flowering.


I was spraying it with CS once the first true leaves showed, glad to see I got that right at least. I only just got the STS 3 days ago, today was the second spray, and the plant is 24 days old. I am really hoping it isnt to late to flip it, I reallly do not want to have to chop it and start over, but I did note for future project STS as soon as there is true leaves. I have my STS mixed seperatly in two different stock solution jars, I am told if kept seperate it will last a couple years even once mixed in distilled water(I bought the powders)and that once you mix the two together, it will last 30-60 days if kept in the fridge in a light proof bottle. I made sure ALL of my jars and bottle are 100% light proof.

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I would recommend only mixing what you need to do the job. Less chances of something getting contaminated or spoil. Also do not use metal of any kind as it will react with the STS and always use distilled water since tap water has impurities in it that will react with the STS. You are correct in keeping it in a light proof container, UV light will adversely affect the STS.

Edit: Keep in mind everyone makes mistakes the first time they try to do a reverse on a plant, so dont let it get you down that you are having trouble getting it right the first time.


I have them store in canning jars, the lids are metal, but they are lined on the inside with a rubber or plastic or something white, no bare metal touching the solution.

Oh I know, im not down about it, just annoyed that the expensive ass CS that was suppose to be 500ppm, did absolutely nothing at all lol.

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Most people here on OG just buy STS chemicals and make there own STS. It is much cheaper than buying premade stuff online.


That is what I did, I bought the powders in a kit pre-weighted out on Etsy from a very well reviewed and rated seller. The CS however I bought premade, but I mixed my own STS from powder. I am getting the stuff to make my own CS generator as well.


Nailed it !


I’ve managed to get them to reverse even after applying silver after they have begun to flower, but it’s normally only the under branches that throw balls and not the main crown and not every plant will reverse at that point.

CS doesn’t last long if left exposed, STS probably a few months with decreased effectiveness as it ages. I make the Silver Nitrate and Sodium Thiosulphate as a separate stock that I keep in dark bottles in the fridge, then I mix them when needed.


That is exactly what I did!


Yes you can still spray in early stages of flower and pretty sure mid flower I have just done that. Sprayed some old sts which did not work and when I saw it wasn’t throwing balls I immediately ordered a new sts solution. By then it had hairs. Spayed it anyway s every 2 days and it worked.


Perfect! That should keep for a long time. The spray, even in a dark bottle in the fridge is still only good to a couple of months, but when you have the stock it’s not like it’s hard to mix a fresh batch. I spray the entire plant with STS, and more the tips if using CS and only the end tips if using Cobalt Chloride.


In my experience it is best to spray before preflower .


Not sure if you saw, or if it matters, but its an Autoflower im reversing.

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Never heard of using this one? How does it compare to the other more standard methods?

Ahh, yeah soz I missed that. I don’t have any direct experience with autos, but I imagine that it still may work, The silver basically works as an ethylene inhibitor so as you have more flower mass, you get more ethylene released and the harder it is to inhibit. Cobalt kills the main tip and the secondary branches then throw balls, but I’ve seen that work even outdoors when reasonably far in flower.

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