Draig and Lady Zandra's new grow 2024

UPDATE: Day 9 Feb 20th…

Had to transplant the Autos, like RIGHT NOW as their roots are coming out the bottom already!

Lucky I had planters and soil on-hand, as our ONLY grow shop is only open 11-3 and I couldn’t get there before they closed.
Soon as I get my next check, will go get the planters and soil for the Skunks and AOG x NIB.

Gotta love Rapid Rooters!
We have never had a problem growing with them, PLUS I can put 4 of these in the new DWC Hydro set Draig bought us! We usually build our own-- but by time you buy everything, it was cheaper to get them from Vivosun during their sale- and if there are leaks- I can call them!!!


0o00 upgrades…

Man those lings are growing up quick! :muscle:t4:


I usually just do 5-gallon buckets with air stones— but these have a drip system along with the DWC… can’t wait to use it!
I MUCH prefer hydro…less mess, more control…but less ‘organic’… but right now, we’re doing test grows, and some just for Draig…so doesn’t matter!


The girls are now 14 days from sprouting… and doing quite nicely!
The plugs are in Fox Farms Cultivation Nation 70/30 planting mix…and quite happy with it!
.5 autos in 3 gallon planters, 10 Skunks and 4 NIB’s in 4’’ peat pots filled with the FF 70/30.
10 skunks 4 NIB March 4 2024


Nice work… gotta feel good to get back to just producing buds and not seeds huh? It’s just a more relaxing grow to do.
What a selection to… been wanting to see the NIB grown out…

Guys, your going to absolutely love the GDP… Sure hope adding the Beast Mode to her turns out to be a good thing… just never know so your test #1 on it… keeping 20 back for myself I have 60 to share out…

Sending you a box with a bunch of Auto fems inside like you requested…a Honeybee setup used for smoking concentrates… something I rarely have… lol.