Draig and Lady Zandra's new grow 2024

Hey all! Decided to post a grow journal now that we are starting to change things up here. Will be using Draigs new 5x10 tent for breeding/pheno hunting, our 5x5 for plants just for Draigs use, and the 2x4 for sprouting/pollen gathering.

We have been planning a long-term breeding project for a while now- and are starting out by pheno hunting the 1st of the 4-5 strains we are going to be working with.
On top of these plants, we are growing some Auto’s for Draig to smoke, and I am doing another test grow of out AOG x NIB, since the last ones did NOT have the best environment.

SO–Here We Go!

2/10/24 Grow #1 breeding project: 10 seeds of Original Skunk #1 at aprox. 8Pm using good quality paper towels soaked in Zero Water, H2O2 and Superthrive. The plates were on a heat mat at76f.
Grow #2: started are 2 each of Grand Daddy Purple Auto, Double Grape Auto, Beast Mode Auto, and 4 of our AIG x NIB for a test run (regs)
Will start new seeds for hydro grow ASAP.

2/12/24 6pm Everything was completely popped with decently long tails except One Grand Daddy Purple and 2 Skunks- but those were open and with small tongues started.
These were put into rapid rooters soaked in the same concentration of Zero Water, H2O2 and Superthrive, placed in gardening cells and in a domed tray.
They were placed under a 100w LED array at 40% on a heat mat set to 76f

2/13/24 8pm we have 100% germination!
All seeds are either above ground and opening cotyledons, or the shell is above surface level!
Humidity at 85% in dome. Mat at 77f lights at 40% and 22 inches away.

2/14/24 6pm All are up and the shells have fallen off!

2/15/24 6pm All have their cotyledons open and have 1st sets of leaves starting! Tomorrow We’ll install a humidifier and remove the dome so they can get some air-flow and stop the stretch! Will plant in solo’s this weekend!


Good luck, I’ll be following along and watching !



Niiiice! You guys rock :100:


What do you mean your growing for yourself, only been like what, a year. hehe.
You 2 gave back so much in 2023 to this site and many of it’s members. Like me.
Celtic Stone reached the masses, you just sent me my Black Oger seeds Draig was so nice to make. so yeah, time you guys do you eh?

It’s going to be excellent to see you guys getting back to private projects, I know you’ve been wanting to work that NIB for a while now… Just getting back to breeding and enjoying this wonderful hobby again… pulling up my chair


Pulled up my seat and settled in. Sending positive vibes to you both and your new project!


Hellz yes! :wink: Great minds think alike… started some fresh beanz myself. Here is to a great 2024!

I’m big watching this one!


I got my seat :seat: for this one as the last ride was a GR8 one! Pulling for the both of you on a successful run!



I’ll be lurking in the dark! I love checking out people’s grow journals! I’m excited to follow along!


← pull chair to the table and sits down. nice i`ll be in for the fun !! good luck :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


This should be great. :grin: I was hoping you would do something else that I could read. I wish you all the best in this endeavor. May the Buddha bless you. :relieved:


And away you GrOw!

:green_heart: :seedling:


Made me chuckle


Day 5- 2/16/24 All these babies are so tall I had to take the ‘dome’ off, as it is a shorter one than what I usually use–but I want them t get some airflow, since they are a bit leggy.
Otherwise, coming along nicely!


Oh I’m totally down.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Excited about the AOG x NIB! Those are on my list for next grow! Hope you two find exactly what you’re looking for to carry out the project :blush:

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I’ve been wanting to see the NIB grown… so this will be great to watch…
Gotta love da little babies

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NIB stands for North Indian Bakery?

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Following one of my favorite pair of overgrowers! Roll with it kids!

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Yes-- AOG= Ancient O.G and NIB is North Indian Bakery.
The 1st test they were grown under extremely adverse conditions–and the one I put thru to the end still turned out some beautiful purple buds covered in trichs.
she was left in a planter with 5 siblings until they started dying off- so I clipped the others at soil level and let the strongest go on.
She then placed outdoors to '‘harden off’ when we suddenly had a bug spell of 90+degree days and 55degree nights… she was rootbound and 5 months old when she was planted outdoors…her top got broken off by the wind, and she still pulled through!
Surprised that it even survived!


Don’t mind me I’ll just be here in the corner watching and learning :nerd_face: :call_me_hand:t2: