HaRdRoC's TeNt (back at it again)

Well I gave it some time, as some of you know, the super in my building gave me a heads up/scare so I had to kill everything and shut down.
Well, no one came to check on the ventilation or anything, so I decided to get back at it lol.
I pretty much said fuck it and started one of @RiekoX Dark Devil x SBR.

Had a bit of a ph swing, using new nutes, and seems to be a lighter feeder than I am used to dealing with, so there was a build up. So after a flush, she seems to be doing fine again.

So of course after having one plant in there,my passion for growing these plants tell me to pop some more beans, can’t be wasting space in the tent now can I? Lol, yes I have a problem lol.

So that being said, I popped a Dosidos 33 from Barney’s Farm, that I got from a contest here.

Also popped 4 Black Berry Breath, as I have wanted to pop them ever since seeing @Mongobongo make those look soooooo damn good. Really hoping for a nice dark one.

And on to the last, but very not least, 3 Sour Bubble x Big Kush, from @pedrobann. Been dying to pop these bad boys!!

Group shot

Also upgraded my exhaust and carbon filter from a 4 to a 6" and will use the 4 for the drying tent.

My plan is after the auto is finished, going to sex the other ones, take a few clones off of each females and have a 12 plant sog.


Good to see you back in business man. Plants look good, let’s hope the super don’t mess it all up again. :metal:


Thanks man, I just can’t stay away from growing these plants, I tried growing other plants and veggies, but nothing seems to scratch that itch, like growing these plants does.
I don’t really even smoke much, maybe a couple puffs a day, after work to unwind. Just love to grow it.


Hey good to see ya. Plants are looking great. Your auto looks amazing. Good job on that man.

We’re the BBBs I sent crosses with anything?


that an impressive plant there @HaRdRoC …cutos to the Maker too :+1:
the lil ones do look happy as well !! have a great run!!!


Naw, I got these from Joti, right after I saw you grow them out the 1st time, just biting my nails to finally be able to try them out


Thank you muchly kind sir

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:seat: :popcorn: :movie_camera:


Hope the guy from the super who smoked weed in the closet was fired and you will stay safe this time. I see you have restarted with plenty of energy, really nice and clean plants, glad to see you back in duty … :sunglasses:


Thanks man, naw he’s still here, he’s actually a pretty cool guy. If it was up to him, he’d say go for it, but it was the people above me, that were complaining, so he gave me a heads up.


These ones in veg are growing, almost too quickly, running outta room. Such nice big thick leafs. I had to move the Dosidos 33 to the, mom/clone tent. Took 2 clones of her an 2 of the Orange Goji, from my buddies house he couldn’t get them to root, so I snipped 2 off the mom and brought them home to see if they will root for me.

Here’s the veg tent

Temps and rh


Why don’t you have the setpoints working for you on the fan ? You have the ability.

High points would be where you want the fan to come on, and low points where you would like the fan to turn off.


He likes his plants to experience the full force of Hurricane winds lol.

@HaRdRoC Veg plants look really happy, I hope the clones root up for you. Your Orange Goji seeds are doing nicely, giving a couple of them a bit of training atm.


The reason for that is because the fan will turn off, an I need it to keep going to suck air through the carbon filter to keep the smell down.
Carbon filter would be useless that way.


Yes I do like to blow them around, makes them nice and strong.
I’m sure they will root.
Was his 1st attempt at rooting, and he’s gonna try again. I’m just gonna give it a whirl, just to see if they are in fact hard to clone.


Some strains I find will clone real quick and some would rather die lol. My last 2 lots have not fared well, I may need to really sanitize the cloner and run some bleach through it. I did it after my last go with hydrogen peroxide, but only got maybe 30% make it.Some had this black looking stain a half inch up the stems. I have 2 Elephant tranquilizer boy cuts and a load of girl cuts just to see if it happens again.


knocking on wood I have pretty good luck cloning, above 90%
I just shave the bottom of the clone, dip in clonex, pop in a jiffy pellet, spray the top of humidity dome, and let 'em go. Anywhere from 9 to 14 days, rooted.
I found temps affect it ALOT. In the low 80’s is best, from what I’ve experienced.


Well I seem to be having g trouble keeping the ph in check with these new nutes. Tested the run off tonight and it was 5.3
So I put 2 table spoons of lime in each pot, and watered it in pretty well.
I’ve been putting 2 drops of ph down per gal of water/nutes to bring it down between 6.3 and 6.5
I’m feeding every other watering and doing half the recommended dose, and I still seem to be on the verge of N toxicity.
Not to the point of clawing, but REALLY dark green.

So I 1st noticed the ph issue with @Riekox autoand thought that it was just because most auto’s are lighter feeders, but I started to see the same thing happen with the Dosidos 33.
So for a bit of preventive measures, for the new batch, I added some lime and did a pretty good run off watering.
Now I’m thinking that I may just stop using ANY ph down for water and see if that will straighten it out. After a few waterings if the runoff is 7ish, I may try just 1 drop and see how that works out.
Thanks for reading my stoned ramble lol


The auto, smells wonderful, can’t wait to try it.
I didn’t keep track of the dates, but my guess is 2 more weeks?


I love the dark strains, their smell is great.