SweetLeafs 1 Gallon Grow Show ? With some solos on the side

                                BACK AGAIN

Same little ole grow show but not just solo cups, :green_heart:

1x 2x2x3

1x 2x2x6

1x 3x3x6

2x HLG 135R

1x Sol Rax 36"x18" 3500k kit.

Medium: Coco Perlite 70/30

Nutes: Dakine 420, untill they run out then I’m swapping to Jacks

As of today I have a few little seedlings. But I like to kill them and they like to die so the more the better, all seedlings will stay in the 2x2x3 untill I think its time to go to a different tent.

Gonna try and put 5, 1 gallon cloth pots in the 3x3 and the solo cups stay in the 2x2x3, now the 2x2x6 is going to be my attempt at a long veg mainlined super trained single “big” girl.

So here’s to the start of a nice little grow show.


Sounds fun! I’m watching it

I am going to tag along and watch the show :popcorn:.
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:

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I want to watch your grow too.

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I am definitely watching from the front row.
Our grow styles are very similar. It’s gonna be interesting to follow alongside someone who doesn’t do the big pots.


Little look at the seedlings.


They all seem to be going,

So we have,


SBR x DD auto reikoX

GG#4 auto ILGM

3 bears og auto Mephisto

Carebears auto, Sebring

SFV from the Og fundraiser

MC New, MadScientist

And Cookieland, Purple-N-Hairy

Also just started the Germ on my Freaker run so look out for the journal. (Quicksilver)


Everything is chugging along minus the Carebears.

The SFV has a little mutation going on,


Welp I made a odd purchase that I hope turns out,

a vial off XXL male auto pollen on the way.

Gonna just dust everything.


You’re gonna be swimmin in seeds!!!

Hold up, I just seen the description on strainly…$250!! Daaaamn, that’s savage. Gonna be some killer beans judging by the description though. Love when pollen is strong and knocks females up instantly.

Wish you the best and may the seed Gods rain down a bunch of seeds on you. :smile:


The purchase made me have extreme anxiety, strainly seems so iffy to me but I’m gonna go with the hopes that everything is good.

I hope I have alot of seeds, even though regs seem to turn people away I wana try and share some.

SBR from reikoX getting hit,
Gg4 auto (ilgm) getting hit,
3 bears og auto Mephisto getting hit.


I don’t blame you, it’s all good I’m sure everything will be fine. I wonder if anyone’s ever asked for a pollen sample, I know I would’ve tried :laughing:

I understand why some people don’t like regs, but personally I prefer them. There’s just something that the male brings to the table that makes them special to me. I’ll never say no to reg seed, so brace yourself for the moment you offer them for gift or trade and I instantaneously call Dibs!!! Lol


Just catching up on your grow
Those plants sure changed in 9 days
I had to change from tracking to watching
Ready to see an update.

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