Journal from Somewhere near the East Coast - PCC 2021

First diary post…I have decided to spend more time here with you good folks on Overgrow! I have been active in Reddit under u/Substantial_Manner69. I plan to document some future grows and breeding projects…so here it goes!.

Five days ago, I just planted a Cosmic Queen x Mango Smile from Mephisto and a Purple Roc Berry X by Rocbud. They are at Day 5.

I have several other plants going…a group at day 31 and another group at Day 50 which consists of some Night Owl Head Cheese, BF Dos si dos, Mephistos 3 Bears OG and a few others that seem to be underperformers at the moment.

For my last three grows, I have gone to an Organic Dry Amendment based system with HP and Foxfarm media. I typically am using Gaia Green and/or Down to Earth dry amendments in 3 to 5 gallon fabric pots. I handwater and am considering going to DWC. I have two 4x4 tents, one with (2) xs 2000 viparspectras and another with (2) 2000 spider farmers. I have 6" exhaust fans and passive intakes. Below are a few pictures of the current situation and a few others of my December harvest.

I am looking forward to more involvement here on Overgrow…what a great community, filled with many generous keepers of the flame.

Be Good ~ PCC



Such beauties!


Great looking plants.
You definitely know how to train those ladies for lots of awesome looking colas.


That`s some sexy sticky-icky, welcome.


Amazing plants!
You are really treating them right! :sunglasses: :+1:



:seat: :movie_camera: :popcorn:


Today in the garden…we have some new guests. We’ve got Day 1 for 3 Strawberry Monkey F3s and some 3 GDP x Wedding Cake. Both are photoperiod, which diverges from my normal grow pattern of nothing but Autos as of late.

I am also really impressed with the vigor of Mephistos 3 Bears OG
Tying her up and holding her down with LST. Looking forward to beginning some really special autos from a friend in the next few weeks.

Y’all be good ~ PCC


Everything is rolling along in the tents today…just finished a top dress of Gaia Green on the oldest group which are around Day 60…these plants were all affected by the colder weather of my garage.

I found a great little heater at Walmart that has got me back up into the mid 70s. Their growth for the first 45 days were really slow and I expect a significantly decreased yield…almost trashed them but figured I run an experiment. The most notable cultivar is the Mephisto 3Bears OG.

My other tent is around Day 40 and they are nearly the same size as the oldest bunch. All of these plants are doing fantastic.

I’ve got some Night Owl Head Cheese, Barneys Farm Dossidos and Sweettooth,

The youngest groups are Mephisto Mango Smile x Cosmic Queen and Rocbud Purple Roc X and a bunch of photoperiods.

It’s about to get fun in here…bud sites galore. Y’all have a great day!


Now that’s why they call it “Green Thumb”!!! “Lovely lil mess of buds”, I must say. Best of continued success. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:

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So…here’s the start of my first serious breeding project that I plan to spend a few years working on.

A little background…

I have really fallen for a series of autos from Viking Garden. His flagship line is the Thor’s Hammer and it’s been brought to F4. The Line shows a couple phenotypes. It’s considered XXL in size/yield and flowers between 90-120 days. I think it has a ton of potential outdoors for early harvests as well. It is a cross of Mephistos Northern Cheese Haze and Firebudz Carebears F2.

The breeder is a Super cool guy that I’ve gotten to know out of Maine and is very down to earth and helpful.

After asking for his blessing in using one of his pure males to start a new line, he offered up some of his freshly harvested, select F4 pollen. Super cool move on his part…and much appreciated by me.

With respect to the planned moms, I’ve been deliberating considerably on what to run. One of my most favorite cultivars is Bum Wine by Ronin Gardens. It has a smell that is so unique, nice structure and quick maturity. I am going to run 25 to hunt and plan to pollinate the best two.

Concurrently in the second tent, I am going to run another 5 cultivars with 5 plants of each cultivar. I plan to pollinate the best 2 of each of those 5.

After a hopeful, successful, pollination/seed run I am dedicating one tent to running the subsequent Bum Wine F1s crosses until I find another stud. I’m pretty picky so who knows how many runs this may take. I have two main objectives for the project, shorten the flowering period of the Thor’s Hammer and improve the calyx to leaf ratio of the bum wine. And Hopefully, retaining the bum wine terpenes.

The other tent will be dedicated to one of the five other cultivars depending on results of pollination. I think it makes sense to run two practically parallel F1 lines to make the work a little more efficient.

So that’s the current plan, I am planning to dedicate a lot of time to the project so please pick it apart or let me know your thoughts - good, bad or indifferent… In my previous life, I was a Civil Engineer and Land Developer and now plan to get into cannabis full time.

Thanks crew ~ PCC

Ps - My state is teetering on potential Legalization at the end of the month…hallelejauh!


After a minor setback, the current tents are finally back as they should be. I have been able to finally get back to an ideal temperature range for running my tents in the garage. The older plants also initially suffered from my first time trying to reuse soil. The old mix was far too hot for the first month and a half of life. So this grow, I have already learned quite a bit since the last.

Here are the older girls…

and here is the younger bunch…

I have further narrowed down the field for the Thor’s Hammer breeding project. I’m thinking the following:

Terp Profile - Bum Wine by Ronin Gardens
Purple - Anvil by Mandolarian
Sour - Sour Sherriff by Wicked Pissah
Exotic - Ducksfoot

I debating the pot size to use, which will certainly dictate how many I can run in my overall space of 4x8. I’m thinking 3 gal, so I can see full structure but somewhat contain size.

On another note, Virginia is in the final steps of legalizing marijuana. Big, Historic vote today…Hoooray!!

Have a great evening! ~ Poca