Dry & Curing Science

I am probably going to get spanked by the software again posting the stuff. I have a few more I want to go through, from there I search for terms or ideas and that takes me to more. But only so much time to spend on it. At least I am happy about knowing more on drying. I want to find more on curing, what it does. And more on concentrates. While I have read a few (medical) papers which I knew were wrong I am more accepting of ‘science’ that is peer reviewed. Mind you, I showed a couple of papers that I linked the information together to explain a medical condition and I convinced a number of doctors on it. There is no reason laymen can not do good science. But I still want to see the theory behind it.


the theory or whatever is referenced needs to be clear, relevant and have credible sources. Wikipedia is not a credible source


Unless it has credible sources it points to.


Theories are made to be falsified, and it actually doesn’t matter who it comes from as long as you can prove it is false heh heh. If you can’t attempt to disprove it, then it’s already false.
Observation beats Hypothesis, also:
Don’t fool yourself, because you’re the easiest one to fool.

They hay smell means it’s not ready, and when it’s ready, that smell is gone and you can bag it up. That smell is the smell of drying weed.


it would be really cool if @DavesNotHere could chip in, but not sure if hes been around.


Might have replied to your post when I thought I was to Nagel. If you are still around do you have any thoughts on curing? I do not mind big words, I have Google. I have some neurology using Google and will look up whatever I find confusing. I want to get up to speed on some of this on a higher level before I ask my cousin stuff. She used to work for a big bad company doing plant breeding.

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My best luck with this is to cut the plant in the am right when the lights come on I go in there take the plant away from the other plants into a dark room chop it and hang it until dry enough to snap the bud branches. Then into paper bags for a few days. Then into a jar burp and good to go after a week or more. I do not know why this works both outdoors and indoors early am chop.


Wikipedia is as exactly credible as any information you get from a stranger on the internet.

The problem isn’t the credibility of wikipedia — the problem is people don’t care enougg to check sources! Everyone swallows everything they read, hook line and sinker. It’s rampant in everyday life too.


Wikipedia is not accepted as a credible source at the college where I teach


I guess I could have worded it better.

Wikipedia is effectively a person. I know it’s a conglomeration of people, but for the sake of argument let’s say wikipedia is one person. Anything that wikipedia tells you is exactly as credible as anything any other individual tells you. What college allows you to source “my friend on the internet.”

That doesn’t mean wikipedia is not a credible source of information, it means people don’t care to verify the information they hear. They just spew whatever they want to believe, as long as it comes from a person they like.

The problem isn’t wikipedia the problem is people


It is a tool. Is it the right tool for the job? I would not use it as one for teaching, I taught briefly in college also. But for someone to use it as a resource to get a brief summary of something without spending hours learning how much you do not know it is a place to go. So I want to know a little about an operating system rather than Windows? It could get me started. It was never meant to be a definitive authority.

Yeah its ok for getting some information. As nothing is peer reviewed and that you or I could go and edit a page right now it has limits. I have been teaching for over 35 years, its just not accepted as a source or in a bibliography on academic and scholarly papers. The scientific papers we are seeing posted here on OG are meeting an academic standard but we don’t need that here although it is nice, I sure learn a lot from people’s anecdotal/experience learning about growing cannabis here on the OG!


I hate when people quote wiki for definitions.
I’m like I only accept Webster and Oxford. Lol


Today the Urban Dictionary comes in handy

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Damn kids. It is hard to keep up.


Don’t need that one. Know most those first hand.lol

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The problem with wiki is paid biased “fact checkers” some of the lowest forms of life on the planet.

Wikipedia is a black hat organization for sure.

Ha Ha so do my grown children, I do miss being in a High school, the kids kept this old guy up to date


I agree it’s completely different. Tobacco is a leaf and sensimilla is a flower