Drying questions

I have some drying questions. This is my second harvest and I am still dialing in process. I grow and dry in a 4x4 tent. My last harvest, I was having temp and RH issues and bought a portable a/c unit to help but never really got it right. It dryed, snapped, in 5 days, thankfully 2 months of curing brought some of the terpines back!
This harvest is much less and not as dense as I had some issues with nutrients and rootbound plants. Anyway, 2 days into drying and they are getting crunchy on the outside. I am holding 60-70Ā°/55-65%.
The a/c is feed through a bottom port blowing on the floor, a small oscillating fan on the floor, and a 6" filtered exhaust up top.
The questions:
Does placement of the a/c duct matter? Top or bottom feed? Should the airflow be diffused? I know not to have any air blowing directly on them.
How are you controlling the a/c temp when the unit is outside of the tent? I guess it will just be running 24/7?
Sorry for all the questions, I can find info on what to use, just not how to use it, or daily it in. I know trail and error is my friend here, I just want to be ready for the next batch.
Thank you allā€¦


What are your temps without the AC?


I was about to try helping but got to the third question and thought ā€œfuck it Iā€™m tiredā€ and knew some legend like you would help. :+1::v:


Well Iā€™m sure you can see where Iā€™m going hereā€¦ :+1:


The crisp will set in in looser flowers a lot quicker, but the thing to watch for is when the stems of the individual buds (not main bud of each branch but also the smaller budsā€™ stems on the middle to bottom of each branch) are almost ready to snap, but will still knick and bend and when the smaller leaves just under the surface of each bud still have some moisture left in their stems; thatā€™s when you stash it all into glass jars and leave it in there for a day before checking humidity again. Depending on how much moisture is left in the stems the buds will soften up again a bit over the course of a day or two when left in a glass jar. Baggies arenā€™t suitable IME except for the specific cannabis bags (those with a glossy plastic silver colored inside) that donā€™t let through smell


No not at all. I want to see you explain everything. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
@AHuiHo421 your in the the best hands with @Foreigner. He really should write a book :wink:
Honestly though @Foreigner knows his stuff. :+1::v:


(I did write a book but not about cannabis)

If the temps are reasonable without the AC then ditch the AC.

I donā€™t vent my dry space. I use an inkbird attached to a humidifier and just wait. My temps might not be considered perfect by the letter of the law but good enough.


whatā€™s an inkbird? and why are you chaining that poor bird to a humidifier?

nvm, googled it.


A very handy tool indeed.


Do you mean humidifier or did you mean to say dehumidifier?


See now I canā€™t stop watching this thread as I know itā€™s gonna funny :rofl:



Since the room is sealed I donā€™t need it for the first few days because the moisture coming off the buds raises it to where it needs to be.

After that set it to 60% and leave it alone except to fill the rez.


Really? I never do any of that. I donā€™t even measure humidity. These days I use a herb drier for most of my herb, blasphemous as that may be it delivers quality and fast too; just gotta know when to hit stop and jar it.

But the old days I would hang it all up high and have a fan running low and just jar it when it hit the same point I do now.

Itā€™s probably an awful way to start if you donā€™t really know what youā€™re doing yet though :stuck_out_tongue:

Few hours too much in the herb drier or too high a temp and itā€™s ruined, vs just right when dialed in.

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The way I think about it is that Iā€™m not actually drying, Iā€™m getting the buds to reach an equilibrium with the room. If the room is at 60 itā€™s impossible to overdry.

You could even argue that the cure begins in the room as itā€™s just like a big jar at 60 but maybe thatā€™s a stretch.


It is a stretch cause itā€™s not in an enclosed space, which, at least in my mind, matters. But hey, my mind is no more reality than gray goop.


It is an enclosed space, just a big one.


Even the 60 makes me wonder why the humidifier, IIRC our house is at 60 as is :man_shrugging: But I live in the woods, maybe my house is a bit more humid?

No offence or anything.


Yes perhaps so. The humidifier sees much more action in the winter but I still need it in the summer too.

None taken.

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We just use a small oscillating fan-- if the humidity in the tent is 55% or less, skip the a/cā€¦
They willget crunchy on the outside before they are all the way dried.
Check by bending a medium thickness stemā€¦ if is starts to bend, then snaps-- itā€™s readyā€¦if it doesnā€™t snap- itā€™s wet insideā€¦if it snaps without bendingā€“they are already a bit too dryā€¦get all the buds into sealed jars, about 1/2 full.
The next day- check their texture. If they are too soft- leave them open and lay the jars on their sides with the lid off for a few hours then jar up again.
Do this a couple times a day until your buds are the texture you want.
If they are too dry, you may want to add a couple fresh leaves to the jars for a couple hours, then air them outā€¦or use humidi-packs.
Cure all the weed this way once at the right dryness to jar-up.
NEVER jar wet weed! It molds- fast!

@Draig has been ā€˜curingā€™ this way for over 20 years- and the buds keep without degrading, or getting any mold issues. Worst case, weā€™ve had some get too dry, but itā€™s easily fixed as I said above.

Looks great! Enjoy!! :wink: :green_heart:


In line with that perhaps is I use a dehumidifier during mid to late bloom, to create a better vpd.