Dry Rack / Netting

Just wondering if anyone uses one of these. I won a similar one in a contest, but I’m a little unsure of when to use. I normally dry trim and hang the whole plant on a hanger. Is this for after I dry or something or in lieu of? Maybe they’re mainly for wet trim? Thx!!


Those are for wet trim. Good old flat spot flowers.

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Yeah, I don’t want that lol

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I sat for a few minutes trying to think of some alternate use for it but I got nothing! Maybe someone else has an idea


I use em all the time. To avoid flat spots just rotate your branches 1x a day or shake if dealing with :popcorn: .


@Puffalo I use one of these in my drying tent. I like to wet trim and hang dry and then test everything with a wood moisture meter. Anything that’s too high of moisture content gets cut down to a single nug and tossed into there. For me it’s like the 2nd part of my drying and curing because I don’t like buds touching each other but like @Pigeonman said above when there is buds in there I will shake it daily. Do yourself a favor and put a trimbin or bag on or under it because youll get little bits that fall thru the cracks or kief that just goes on the floor


What @HighTilliDie said!

My drying system is built into a 2x2 tent and has 2 permutations. For small runs there’s a disco-ball motor and 2 tier “sock drying rack” that clips the branches directly. The whole thing then spins like a disco ball.

The second variation is for bulk drying as I can get about 3/4lb after dry worth of flower in there with the 6 tier rack.


Thx guys :facepunch:

I got one used it but i prefer hangin on A coat hanger


When I used them it was for a grow I ran for someone else and could only get to the drying rack a couple times through drying. Always got flat spots on the big buds. If I could have been there daily I can see that being a fine solution.

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I keep a net as a permanent fixture, when the time comes I hook it up above me and work under it hanging them as I go

It’s convenient.


We usually run small batches and wet trim.

Typically we’ll use a basket net like the one shown. Takes between 5-7 days for most runs to dry to a good place for jarring.

Depending on the residual moisture content after the RH in the jars evens out, we’ll follow up with a few days of jar-drying with the tops-off at 30-minutes a pop 2-3 times a day followed by daily burping for another 10-14 days.

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I have used them for an outdoor bulk grow before when I had a limited drying area and they worked good. I now also use a smaller setup with one in a 2x2 tent that i have my main grow pulling air from (also limited drying area). I do like hang drying better (old ways are hard to kill)but when space is limited these are fine and I havnt seen much difference in quality of the final product