Hanging drying bags

does any one use hang up drying bags to dry and how is your experience with them


Would be interested too. I have one I haven’t used yet and am leery because I’m afraid cutting the plant up would make it dry too fast compared to hanging the whole thing.

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i dont think it would dry to fast as long as you pay attention to it i have a spare bedroom that stays at about 65-68 degrees and put a humidifier in there
the other day for 48 hours with the door shut i was able to keep it between 55-60 RH and about 65 dedgrees average plus i blacked out the windows im hopin this will do the trick


I’m in the driest part of the country and still just do the ole hang dry, I just don’t put fans on em hanging and I achieve about 7-9 day till they are ready to come down 🤷 I break mine down too so I’m hanging stems and not the whole plant together

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I chop all nugs, then place on a hanging drying rack… like this…download


and that does a good job on drying? should i put a stem in to see how the drying goes ?

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Great job for me. I just limb the tops. I keep the majority of the main colas with a large stem. By the time it snaps. Bud is dry and ready for cure. So much easier than hang dry imo. Also all the other nugs just get cut off the stems or budsites.

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right on forgot about the kola stem …off to amascam i goooooo

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That’s where I went. It comes compressed flat. Hangs anywhere. And you can buy different amounts of stack. Say 3 5 8 tier. They work wonders.

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This is the one I have. Been working for a long time!..

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