Drying during the dry cold

It sounds like your humidifier is not powerful enough to bring the room up, and the dry air leaking into that lung room is keeping your tent from being moist enough. Put the humidifier in the tent, with a small fan on the floor pointed at a wall and you should be okay. There’s no way that a decent sized humidifier can’t throw enough moisture to raise the RH in a 2x4 or 4x4 tent if it’s sealed up pretty tight. I use a cheapie like this and it puts out about 150ml/hr of water, which is plenty even with the room RH outside the tent at 30-40%.

It should only take about 13 grams of water to raise a 4x4x7’ tent up from 30-60% RH. Even multiplied a few times for some air exchange etc any old humidifier will do it inside the tent. Your lung room is probably just too big and drafty for that humidifier or even just sucking the moisture right out through the walls.

The tool I used for that:

A really advanced calculator for this:


You can keep the humidifier inside the tent ( if fit). Different would be a dehumidifier.
Some humidifier have tube that allow you to have the humidifier outside the tent but the humidity go into the tent via the tube. Please check AC Inf. for reference or curiosity.
I hope this helps and good luck.

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i got it under control. ya, the dry tent is in a lung room with the grow tents in the closet. it sucks out all the air in the room pretty frequently making the air dry. adding the wet towels on hanger and a hempy bucket full of perlite and water seems to have curbed the humidity issue. having a very slow fan also helps. curing in a larger space/tent seems to help too as it requires less air exchange.


You’d want to look up terrarium or reptile humidifiers for these. We have one for my sons lizard.

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Big bucks but the ac infinity humidifier is pretty bomb. Sits outside the tent and pipes the vapor in. No problem getting a 4x4 up from 36% up to 75% and maintaining it for seedlings.