Drying during the dry cold

Well, drying my plants this round has gone pretty well up to today when the humidity dropped with the cold front. The humidifier can only get the rh to about 37%. well, as you can imagine that is not a good intake rh level for a dry tent.

so, i put a wet towel on a hanger and just hung it next to the plants in the tent. it seems to be working to keep the rh up, but i bet I will have to switch out the towel ever few hours. well, it’s this or a bad dry.

any other tips you folks might have?


How long have they been hanging already?


All I know is im in Georgia and although we are the last ones to get the fronts its still be 30-40 rh in my closet too. I cant keep it up, I need a humidifier asap but alas, no money for one ;p


The wet towel trick for sure, perhaps switching to Grove bags as soon as you can will help as well.



it varies. i drop a plant into the tent ever few days. most are 8 or 9 days, but i have a few that are at day 5. more will get chopped and put into dry tent later this week or early next.

Have you tried putting a tray of water in the bottom of the tent or room?

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wet towels works well but need to be changed often, you can also leave the pots of soil in the tent. soak them down to run off and they will hydrate the air well and don’t need to managed as closely as towels.


Could also stick a bucket in there filled with water and have a towel in the water and then hanging out over the rim, that should help.


Why not just put a little humidifier in there?

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I dry plants in brown paper grocery bags during winter. It creates a little micro-environment, and helps slow down the rapid moisture loss when RH is really low.


There already is one in there and it’s not getting it above 37% RH

Damn, sorry I missed that in the OP. I deal with it up here as well, and I’ve got a humidifier in there which has kept it very steady. Truth be told, I was always a skeptic on their efficacy until I picked up an appropriately sized unit with a decent fan

i almost forgot. i did put a watered plant pot in there, rh was dropping with it still.

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i don’t really like the taste after it’s been in a bag. everyone said my bud tasted like stale food last time i did that…it works and I was putting the paper bags in a large plastic trash bag. it worked, but the taste…

i keep the humidifier in the room with the tent, but i’ve not wanted to keep it inside the tent.

ok, so wicking…cool. i may giv ethis one a try. the towel on it’s own has been good for a few hours, but ya, it’s going to dry out. I am worried about keeping a bucket of water in there. sometimes the buds fall down off the hangers and have to be rehung.

You could put a screen or hardware cloth over the bucket.

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This works like a champ for me.

I don’t even have to mess with a humidifier this way. I just take one of my larger plant saucers and fill it with water. This combined with an ACinfini exhaust and your RH should stay perfect.

I’ve taken a 4in duct hose for dryers, and stuck one part into the 4in intake in my cab, and the other I taped onto the humidifier. I was able to keep the humidifier on low, and the cab was 50-60%. There was a slight overhang from the duct\humidifier, so air was being pulled in too.

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it’s 33pct rh now with a really nice humidifier running at full blast fog. I put a new towel in. it’s holding up.