Drying in 20% RH

Drying in 20% RH
This might have ask many before, but when it comes time to hang and dry the plants, how can it be done with a humidity as low as 20%


trim off the bigger fan leaves and hang the whole plant without cutting the branches off

this way there is more moisture to give you a longer hang time to combat the low humidity


I’ve heard using a humidifier helps a lot. I’d grab one you can control the percentage and not just any old humidifier. If you want low tech I’d say fiddle with dishes of water until you find what raises the humidity to where you want.

I’m sure others will have a better idea though


I always trim the large fan leaves off like @toastyjakes

Then I hang whole branches in the dark with no minimal air flow. Just very slight. Leave like that for between 5-14 depending on bud density. Until a bud snaps off then I but all that 1 strain/pheno etc in a large bucket making sure there is a good air go lef5 at the top. Not ram them full.

Then you can leave them like that for your prefrr3d period of time.I do a week to 10 days.

Then I sit with old turkey foil roasting trays and trim the all by hand. Keeping all strain trim separate.

Then I jar em.

Just my opinions and experiences. I have smoked plenty of over dried weed that has no flavour or stuff that was all nute from just pouring chem ferts in.

I do no way in shape or form consider my self even educated in this matter. Vader deffo stopped me wet trimming and then storing in large buckets with lids.Mad love for Vader. But it’s horses for courses matey.

Rants to essays it seems now…:crazy_face:

I think I should put this j down now.


Your process sounds great to me @Bongedtobits :sunglasses:

@HandsOn you are a brave soul

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Going to get a humidifier should it be,warm mist or cool mist


either or as long as it puts up rh lol


Cool mist, you want to keep your temps down.

Try looking into ultrasonic foggers, they should work well for this.


Go for the cold mist type. Are you drying in a tent or grow room? Something like a vaporizer would work in a tent.


Drying in a smaller grow room


My room is 11’x14’, housing a 4x4 tent (soon to be 2). I have an ancient, 2 gal. humidifier that does the job well. Got it for free! You could check out some thrift shops, if there’s any near you.

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i leave all the fan leaves on and hang it whole but i’m lazy … also in ~ 40-50 RH

i’d probably be worried about mold or bacteria … maybe use distilled water if you really have to use a humidifier


It takes me about 4 hrs. to dial in the RH to 50% using a hygrometer. Never had any mold issues. This summer, I had to run a de-humidifier hard to keep RH below 65% while growing and drying.


I live in a dry climate. I run a humidifier that I can dial in the RH% in the room that im drying in. one small fan angled at the wall. ive never had a mold problem… oh and I wet trim. I tried the dry trimming thing and god damn that was frustrating.

@legalcanada I may be wrong, but if your trying to prevent mold run tap water in a humidifier, if ur in a first world country that has treated drinking water. distilled has nothing preventing mold spores from sprouting

admittedly I run RO water in my humidifier so I don’t have to clean the filters as often from mineral deposits.


Cleaning it shouldn’t be problem,…thanks for the info

I completly trimmed 2 plants…removed all fans and almost every sugar leaf…and hung in a 2x2x6 closet in shed…very low humidity and temps are jumping between 24 and 40 degree f…so far they are doing great…branches are almost snappable…prolly will jar them wedsday

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Let me know how it turns out

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When using a humidifier, clean your unit on a daily basis and only use distilled or demineralized water. Tap water contains minerals that can create deposits inside your humidifier that promote bacterial growth.


I stand corrected, thanks!

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When it gets cold,humidity gets real low