Effects of lighting on breeding

Hey all. I had a pretty random thought pop in my head the other day and figured I would post here to see the opinions from the OGs.

I wonder if it’s a worthwhile venture to see if its
Possible to tailor a strain to perform better under a specific lighting source based on breeding/selection. For example, if the offspring from parent stock which were both born and raised then bred under say HPS would perform any better under HPS vs LED or other.

Would something specifically selected from stock raised with LED and bred out under LED perform better under LED vs something else?

Epigenetic changes specific to lighting being transferred down the line.

I hope some of that made sense.



I would guess not.

Such a venture would require clones and rigorous side by side testing I think. Im too impatient for that.

Might be fun to satisfy your curiousity though.


it would be an interesting experiment. I’ve only got LED my tents and suffer from the same impatience. Thought experiment for now I guess. Cheers!

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It does hold some ground. If you breed and select under high intensity led, consciously or unconsciously you may be selecting for those plants that require stronger lights to flourish.

Something similar happened with hid already… newer stuff all need much stronger lights.

Inversely, if you only planted outdoors in semi shaded areas, and bred those that performed better under these conditions, after a few generations you’d have a variety that performs best under softer light.


Interesting hadn’t thought of that angle. Alternatively given the popularity of LED in the market now will we start seeing less of a tendency to foxtail, show deficiencies etc that are issues with the high intensity LED.


Tom mentioned Deep Chunk performing well outdoors in such scenarios, under the canopy of larger trees.

It’s also worth noting, just because the plants have light available doesn’t always mean they are maximizing it. Plant nutrition and lighting, photosynthesis, go hand in hand.

This is a fascinating topic. Much love


I think, using led changes the grow environment, less heat, different spectrum etc which then modifies the ratios Uptake. I haven’t messed with led yet, just what I see.

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Absolutely. His assessment is what made me breed under t5s with my outdoor stuff when off season

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Our hybrid drug strains only perform well under artificial light because of continuous selective pressures. (The evolutionary force that favors propagation of traits that preform well in a given environment.)

Deliberate breeding or not, the indoor lines we grow now were created by generations of selective evolutionary pressure favoring plants that perform well under artificial lighting spectra.


Absolutely. Very good points. This is all well beyond my bro science. But fun to think about. Thanks for the comment.

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With respect to the effects of indoor lighting on breeding, my mind also goes to thinking about Steve Murphy (author Murphy Stevens) and his efforts early on with the lighting available at the time and his Purest Indica. He was a pioneer in both regards! Much love

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I don’t yet have experience with enough varieties to know what to look for. But I have recently switched to the HLG650-r which is an absolute power house compared to my previous. In terms of structure I can notice a change in the flower of the varieties I have grown for sure. Whether the plants can effectively keep up with that power and use all of it at this point I don’t know.

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@Sbeanonnamellow ill have to find some of his stuff and check it out thanks.

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I think your right. And I’m guessing that stains will change a little under the LED’s after a few generations. And after 7 or 8 generations will normalize with a new expression. My opinion is based only on reading but it sounds like your on a mission to actually find out. Good stuff!


I agree with what your trying to say. Myself wander if it has an effect on the the strains. In the beginning no one liked the led grow lights. Sometimes you have more infrared colors. I don’t try to turn mine up 100%.

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Good topic. As i wonder the same thing sometimes when sending seeds. What will they grow like in a complete different environment. But just lighting alone I’m sure plays a huge differences when you get to 20 generations inbred at the same location. DJ short has talked about finding a nice sweetspot outdoor to breed in. Like Salmon Creek OG he said was bred for like 30 generation at the same location and he attests this why the product has gotten so good is because it acclimated to the micro-climate provided. Ive heard other agruments about how long it took certain grape varietals to mutant into new ones and that we cannot expect overnight changes, but it can happen with epigenetics sometimes i forget the terminology they used for the one generational mass epigenetic change to the genome.


I imagine we will see some papers investigating it eventually. Seems like a way to differentiate your product to appeal to a specific market, be it led, HPS or whatever. Or Maybe just the next bro science marketing scheme ha

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I think you will see a very regulated, appellation specific cannabis world once legalization hits soon… (think Humboldt and Mendocino or any grape region internationally or wherever).
Only problem i really see is all the mixed genetics being grown in South America, Africa and Asia; it will still be stamped - a product of the country of origin but not a true acclimated appellation bred product like what people who are connoisseurs want, and are educating the newer cannabis consumers in our fine learning institutions across the world. (I mean once The UN allows international trade of legal receational products)

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It will certainly be interesting to see if/how that appellation program will be rolled out and if it catches on internationally. Humboldt and the emerald triangle will be champagne sure but will that make indoor automatically boxed wine haha?

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I think it will really open the door for indoor microclimate exploration and all that come with that. I’ve always wanted to pick an heirloom variety and see it grown indoors in an environment best mimicking it’s native selective pressures. Everything from barometric pressure to rainfall and humidity, real time daily adjustments from data sensors in the actual regions in places of historical cannabis cultivation like Thailand, India, Afghanistan, or pretty much wherever you’d like to explore. Daily sunrise and sunset variation, to the second. As similar lighting spectrum as possible, across the time of day too. If it’s cloudy and raining then the sensors will pick it up and the data seen, the indoor environment adjusted accordingly. Taken full term across an entire season would really put such a product in a boutique and dare I say bougie niche.

It’s some that’s always fascinated me. A real bio-dome type thing, with up to date live adjustments mimicking a real geographic place. Appreciate you for watering this seed of an idea. Much love