Effects of lighting on breeding

That would be an incredible experiment to watch for sure. One I would certainly sign up to watch and a product I would buy if available! My house would be a botanical garden.

Somewhere someone has a facility doing R&D in these directions. I’m betting that some pretty groundbreaking things are going to be happening in the industry in the coming decades. This plant we all love is gonna be the medicine factories of the future. We haven’t even discovered the full list of cannabinoids, metabolites and compounds the plant is capable of producing let alone how to tailor and apply their production towards a specific need.

Man I wish I paid more attention in high school. I’d love to be wearing a lab coat and playing with weed!


Wouldn’t you rather develop something to acclimate to your own environment? I that that will be a key element in the way way future.
AI is suppose to make goods so cheap in the future. Lol… But import will always be a luxury if done correctly and in its most pure form. I can see Hawaii trying to keep up with a regulated market place and struggling. That will be expensive herb.


Canada will probably be known for some genetics. We have a lot of interested people. A few will rise like cream.

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Agreed. Probably someone from OG from what I see haha.