Electro Culture Farming

With all of this as known facts, why do we label folks as bat shit crazy when they suggest radio waves transmitted in such a way can cause aggression for no apparent reason. :shushing_face:


She hasn’t tried the hps light as its 600w, we got a red light specifically for it of amazon. The hps light will contain the red spectrum. Some LEDs for growing have a far red spectrum but not many.

What daily dose of of D3 are you taking, she was using 10, 000 iu.

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Yeah I am aware of the schuman resonance and its harmonics from other things I have looked into.

As I said above, my interest in sacred numbers and the connection with harmonics of sound, light and vibration is just starting to develop.

So I am still checking this information out atm. What I said was from a short documentary, and I was thinking similar to you about how much difference is there between 440hz and 432hz.

Prolonged stress is different to short stress which can be benificial. Like high intensity interval training, and stress induced from the Wimm Hoff breathing technique.

Now I am not sure how long one would need to listen to the 440hz frequency to make one ill, or whether you would need to be in its presence being created live, rather than through a radio or tv which may distort it.

From what I have learned about ultra low frequencies it doesn’t take much change to make someone vomit, shit their pants or to be paralyzed with fear and halucinate. Animals use it to communicate long distances withveach other and predators use it to stun and confuse their prey.

There is also sick building syndrome caused by wind or water running through the plumbing. Then you the US claming their diplomats in Cuba are being targeted with sound frequencies that made them very sick.

You also have sound vibration being used to kill cancer cells 50 odd years ago and recently starting to be studied again.

There is lots of different ways it can affect us and whether getting very sick from it as said in the documentary it might take a while rather than immediately.


Longer than that, pretty much since the 1920’s.
I wonder why?


Because they can’t make money from it and sell other drugs to mask the symptoms of radiation poisoning, but I think you know that already :wink:


I take 2400 iu daily. I’m not confident it’s all that effective, but at least psychologically it feels like it makes a difference.

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I had my little bout with electroculture :wink:

It is promising but misunderstood… various universities studied electroculture under its various form and results were inconclusive, too many variables.

A bit like how you can stick 2 iron rods in the ground and sometimes transmit voice over great distance, or produce electricity. Doesn’t always work, and if you find a spot that do work, removing the rods and putting them back in the exact same holes wont reproduce the effects.

Ive read quite a bit about the subject… its on the back burner for now.


Thats good to know, I wonder if soil mineral content affects it as the vid says iron can mess things up.


Absolutely does, to an extent…

One of the most important thing was soil wetness. It needs fairly dry soil to work, rain especially frequent rain will cancel all effects.

Copper seem to play an important role, one researcher made a copper tiller blade with a design that keeps top soil on top. Copper tools leave traces of copper and does something to the fields electrical potential…


especially given the fact militaries have been using radio wave weapons for psychological warfare for quite some time now


And can be neutralized by tin foil, seriously :yum:


I know copper neutralizes toxins and bacteria.

My soil on my property is very heavy in iron unfortunately and I have underground springs that come up to the surface in four places, with a low water table as we are right next to a big river.

I am still going to give it a go with my indoor plants. I want raised beds in the greenhouse when I build it do I can compost in it as well for heat over the winter. That way I can control the moisture content.

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I dont know that iron has adverse effects. Some antenna design will call for a 10’x4’ plate of copper to be buried under one antenna and an iron plate of the same size under the antenna down the same row, to then connect both via wire…

These antenna setups can get pricy and require a ton of work, mostly due to the wire or wire mesh that has to be buried a few feet deep


Old science


The one method i will try eventually is the open end hoolahoop made of copper wire with each ends stripped bare around each plants stalk.

Cost is low, its portable and easy to setup…

In the same order of idea, some people dehydrate food (fruits, meats) under copper pyramids, seemingly making it unperishable.
Just add water when ready to consume.

It is my opinion that drying seeds under such a setup could preserve them for… erm, a long time :wink:


Just wanted to point out the picture quoted i don’t think is related to the topic discussion, kinda looks the part when in context of the rest but not that i have anything to say about the topic either.

quoted from the picture “Above is California orchardist Herbert Clarence White’s diagram for planting a tree.”


Good catch


YES! They memed “tin foil hat” but the fact of the matter is, aluminum foil is one of the least emissive materials we have and is CHEAP.


Where the low emissivity is proposed to keep things IN (thermal IR), it also keeps energy OUT.


Good material to make a Faraday cage suit out of, hehe.

The “pain ray” (that’s not how it was named when I first read about it) will try to boil the epidermis skin layer when beamed at someone.

Basically microwaving you in open air!


A concrete hat would be quite heavy


I am trying it with a solar battery charer 12volt dc and also usin 10 gauge copper wound clockwise, also pumping Co2 to the roots. Somethings working. I have always had a whitefly problem here every year. This year no problem and plants look better than any before. Late on starting them. Still high hopes. The two plants I started the co2 on were the smallest and they have caught up to my biggest plant I have also lollypopped them anD tried some chiropractic on them. The mainstems are pretty strong so not sure if I am doing too much as can’t hear a crack. IMG_20230619_131202066_HDR|666x500