Low current around roots boosts plant growth

Time to buy some electrodes.

“The team, which included S. Venkata Mohan, found that the low current generated by the electrodes increased plant height, leaf area, flowering, weight, and chlorophyll content in both plants. It also shortened the time it took the plants to go from their vegetative to reproductive phase.”

Source: Low current around roots boosts plant growth

Paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1567539423001871


I was just considering this over the weekend playing some ideas through my head. Thought about posting to see if anyone had tried electrifying their growing medium but moved it into my “maybe 1 day” idea spaces

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Like Nike says…just do it. :beers:

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Strong maybe!
I don’t grow in soil indoors so Idk how well it’d work with my setup. But it might help me w/seedlings as I start in jiffy mix

There’s stuff here I’ve seen it…I’m sure someone can chime in or link to it… copper coils, etc

Ps @Shadey is one smart dude


I tried it in some 5 gal pots outside this year one control plant and 2 with the copper coils. I could not see much difference but all 3 pots were close together and later I read that a copper coil mast will affect anything growing withing 10 ft of the mast which was 6ft tall.


Interesting, but I am skeptical.

The authors are working on field scale expermentation to optimize the conditions and configuration which includes materials selection and will share the final details soon. :beers:


Interesting to see new things being tested