Equipment buying and reviews

Thanks for the additional info. Most of what i know is hippy lore and stoner assumption.


@ryasco… Clever marketing by the guys at the growstore… :unamused:


I believe it helps repel insects and the fungus can be seen growing around it. I also believe it keeps fungus gnat levels down with organic growing. The nitrogen benefits can be seen also. I don’t think top dressing with it will help with powdery mildew like i have been told. I wonder if it helps with root nematodes and root rot issues. I have heard the rumors but don’t know if it is true.

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I’m using the lower genetics seeds and freebies first. In a few months when i setup shop for real, i’m gonna need a lot of help and work but, yes that’s the intention… To have nice crops. And seeds. Hundreds of seeds. What would it be a BX?

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If you take a batch of seeds and find the best male and female and breed them then that would be a back cross.

Edit: Look down for better answer.

Well, (P1 x P2) = F1

If you cross F1 back to original parents (P1 or P2) then that would be considered a backcross. (BX)

The first F1 generation shouldn’t show much variation but I’ve seen differences, When select F1 x F1 you should see more traits appear according to Mendel’s laws

Something like that.


I am no breeder at all so i trust you way better than me on that. Thank you for correcting me. :relaxed:

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Well, getting back to gear acquisition, i just got me a sack of this… Any pointers or tips to use it better… Do you need to wash it or just like the bag says it’s “Ready to use”?

I just might wash it and measure EC before planting anything… Just in case.

No man no washing for soil. Washing is for coco. If you wash this youll ruin it more then its already ruinedXD


I missed you sarcasm HAAHAHAHAHAHAHA…

Can’t be that bad really! I saw a few videos of very succesful crops from people on youtube using this “junk” man!


Oh i know. That stuff will work great. I just mean its ruined cuz its in that bag;) hahahahahah


Show us the lablel :wink:

Heard about about it before but never used it. Should be good stuff me thinks :+1:

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Ingredients: Coarse peat, coco fiber, compost, perlite, pumice, worm castings, bat guano, fish bone meal, non-GMO soybean meal, feather meal and kelp meal. Grower’s Tip: This product is a ready-to-use soil created for fast growing, heavy feeding plants.

That is the what the label says, it’s all faded on this bag, so anyway, i got that from their website…

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I have used it and liked it but it has fungus gnats a lot of the time so be aware of that. It has a nice base to it and drains well.

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Is it possible they died in the long haul from Oregon to CR…? :wink:

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Maybe, but i would watch for the little buggers to be safe. The earlier you jump on them the better. They are annoying.

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I’m gonna quarantine the soil in two 10 gallon pots, and that way i will check to see if there’s anything going on… Thanks @ryasco.


When you break open the bag mix in neem seed meal and powdered malted barley. Thatll get rid of ya gnats. You can also make a fungally dominated topdress that will attract Stratiolaelaps scimitus (formerly known as hypoaspis miles) and add those guys and they will eat up all the gnats and eggs. Plus they are decomposers. And will stick around for a long time.

Also if you have gnats in this topdress mix youll get the preds faster!


How about diatomacea earth? I think i can get that.

Or mosquito dunks…?


Question - Neem Meal seems popular - does it impart any taste or smell to the flowers? What’s the difference between the neem meal and oil? I’ve used Neem oil as a soil drench and it hurts the plants.