FAA (fish amino acid)

I put on some FAA today, which is basically a 1:1 sugar to fish ferment that is really rich in nitrogen and amino acids. Chris Trump does his in a bucket but I figured having it on tap and not having to strain it would be a better design so I rigged up a strainer inside the base of a drink cooler above the tap, that way I’m able to start extracting at 3 months without having to open it. You can use just the scraps of fish, it’s really cheap where I live so I got a $7 mix bag of pargo(red snapper) and the head of a corbina. Add a few bags of brown sugar and you have a good gallon of genius juice after a few months.

The work station

Fully coat the fish in sugar

Filled the head with sugar

My MacGyver rig up, I just cut the handle off a strainer… fit like a glove!

I added some LAB on top to help speed it up but it’s not necessary

Finish with a sugar cap, which is about an inch of sugar on the top… this helps with osmosis

Seal the lid, then scrub it and hose it off

Store in a cool dark spot, in 3 months I’ll start using it but it’s better after 6

If done right this won’t smell at all and if it does you need to add more sugar. Most extracted fish products in agriculture have the expensive oils skimmed off the top before they bottle it which makes this finished product better than anything you’ll buy at the grow shop.

Use at a ratio of 1:1000 :v:t4:


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