Failed reversal

If i’ve got a plant im trying to reverse (female to male), and the reversal doesn’t work and the plant continues just to flower and grow normally as a female, is it safe to consume ? If not i wont bother to finish growing it and wasting any more time and resources on it. I used STS spray to make the change. Thanks


You’re supposed to apply STS fully protected under a good negative pressure : eye-wear, long sleeve gloves and mask. And it’s not the overkill version 100% safe.

When a product imply such precautions … do you really want to consume the flowers ? ^^


I dont know about STS but with colloidal silver you dont see male flowers until about 3 weeks after the first spray.

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No, it is not safe for consumption by smoking or edibles/tincture.


Do not smoke it if u sprayed it with any kind of silver, it will be toxic for u.


How long ago were your treatments? how often did you treat your plant? i still wouldn’t smoke any treated material but maybe we can figure out what failed.

Did you mix the STS yourself? How old was your solution? Have you successfully flipped a girl for pollen before?


Silver is so toxic that it changes the sex of a plant, do not smoke anything you treat with this


I’ve successfully flipped plants before. I’m not positive that this plant is a failure just yet, it’s just really looking like she wants to stay a woman. Maybe she’s just a late changer idk. Was just curious and trying to have a plan for if it doesn’t flip. Don’t wanna waste my already limited space. I understand that it’s a caustic chemical just wondering what others thought about it.



You might have sprayed too late or your mix is too weak

No. Silver Thiosulfate is not safe to consume. It’s a heavy metal and the plant has absorbed it. You should not consume. The reversal is a necessary loss.

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Yeah… it doesn’t really like that and silver has pretty low toxicity.

I will smoke reversed plants for testing, but not anything that was directly sprayed as I usually just do a branch or two. You’re probably more at risk by consuming a bunch of root vegetables in a week :man_shrugging: Absolutely not suggesting it, but there you go