STS question

How much light does it take to ruin STS? I tried google couldnt find a clear answer.

My Spray bottle is completly covered as are the jars storing my stock solutions, i know they are light proof, but there are to small lights that are Led bulbs in the room I spray my plants in, about 24 to 40 watts total light in a very large room at least 15 x 15 (if not bigger i am horrible with measurements). I am wondering if the reason I have not got a plant to reverse isnt because there is too much light in the room when I spray and it simply ruins the STS spray as it comes out.

I do turn the light off in the room as soon as im done spraying, so the light is only on for a few mins while I spray. Would that be enough to ruin the STS?


Do you mix and use right away…of course store base but you hit them right away and nothing? Never even considered light as I spray and always worked but I also sprayed consecutively.

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I have stock Solutions mixed of each part, and A concentrated STS mix of the two, and a Diluted working strength in a spray bottle. I have been told as long as they are all stored in light proof jars the mixed solutions will be good for at least a year as long as they dont go cloudy and the seperate parts even longer if stored cold. I store them in the Fridge, and there is ZERO light getting in the jars or spray bottle(tons of Black take and silver refelctive tape and duck tape will make sure of that, and the lids are covered with foil).

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But as soon as you make the a and b solutions you make a mix to spray on plants right? Or so you make them and wait? How often do you spray before thinking it has failed?

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I have a Concetrated Mix of A and B, that is Pre Mixed, I use that to Mix in the spray bottle. All mixed with Distilled water. I have tried spraying daily, and I have tried spraying every 3 days, and both plants i was trying to reverse just chugged right along into flower and no pollen sacks. The were sprayed for like 3 or 4 weeks, both once a day and every three, and the laughted at the STS lol. I am fairly sure its still active because if i get it on my skin i can feel it doing “something” and have to wash it off.

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What is your light schedule when you spray?

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I mean during the process. 12/12?

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These are Autoflowers that I have been trying to reverse they stay on 18/6 the whole time. Sorry should have included that they were autos. I have started spraying at about 3 weeks old before any pistils were showing, and I have started spraying one just as soon as I saw the first set of true leaves, neither one reversed, 2 different strains. One was Blimburn Mexican Redhair Sativa and the other was Multiverse Genetics Event Horizon.

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Oh OK. Yes autos I have no clue but I am sure someone here has some experience. Look forward to hearing about the solution though and best of luck

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Its either the Genetics wont reverse or its the light in that room only things i can think of!

I usually spray at lights out, sts and colloidal silver are moderately phytotoxic and will burn your plants to a degree if exposed to bright light when sprayed. Apply on the day before flipping, and I also apply again a few weeks later if there is no sign of it turning. When its growing balls. don’t spray it any more or you will get less viable pollen.

Outdoors I spray in the evening after the sun has gone down. Unmixed and in dark containers in the fridge the stock will last ages.


My light scheule prevents that unless i wanna stay up till 6am when the lights go out sadly.

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Well as long as they are not under blazing lights is the thing.


oh no I move them to a different room when i spray them and then turn the lights off in that room until they are dry, then move them back to the tent.


Cool, that will be fine, The burn doesn’t normally kill them unless you have made the mix too hot etc. Some plants are stubborn and take ages. Some plants need a different chemical like cobalt hexachloride. Though STS is pretty reliable normally.


The one im working on now is Tropicana Poison, got its first spray today. Not sure on the genetics company got it in a trade on here, there were 2 seeds and I want more of them for crosses.

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I store my aftermix in a clear jar in the cupboard and a little light leaks in all day. I spray and use drops often early in the light cycle and never in lights off (as recommended). I do everything wrong and I get 100% results reversing autos. My aftermix sits in this clear jar in a semi-light cupboard for the full 4 weeks that I use it. I do keep the full strength STS in the fridge but after I mix it with the distilled water, I don’t baby it and I have had no problems.

I clone the feminized auto first and then reverse the clones.and use the clones to pollinate the mother/donor.

I have a thread about it over at ICMag but I don’t know if OG allows links. I use the same nicname here and there. If you want a link, PM me of if it’s allowed I’ll post it.

I have had great luck reversing auto clones.

Any questions about the way I do it, please feel free to ask. I am pretty new to reversing autos but I have had great luck so far.

Comparte’ Amore


Silver nitrate is only good for 1 year after it is opened. Some times less or more depending on the grade. I’ve sprayed my plants when lights are on but have a fan running to keep leaves cool. So I don’t think light is the problem. It’s either the way you mixed the solution or if the chemicals bought are no longer good. This is my recipe and I’ve never had a problem!!! Expect when I used old chemicals.

Silver thiosulfate

1gram silver nitrate into 1000ml of distilled water let fully desolve. This will be called “part A”

5grams sodium thiosulfate into 1000ml of distilled water let fully desolve. This will be called “part B”

Pour part A into part B this is the correct way to mix them together. Then add 2000ml of distilled water into the A&B mix making a total of 4000ml. Done

Also I have made this in half formula and works just fine. Good luck!


The light in the room is not causing this. If it did no plants would ever reverse because they are grown with light.


Nice pun!

It’s photographic silver… so it’ll start to decay faster than you’d want it to.

If you can get brown glass bottles that’ll help, but even in that case I just wrap up my mixes in aluminum foil to ensure it’s light tight.

It’ll start going brown when it’s going “off”.