Fantasy Island Biggest Loser Contest round #3 (Fantasy Island Family members only please)

That is scary that it came loose, it must not have been properly installed/torqued last time it was taken apart. Usually they can be a pain in the ass to remove due to rust/corrosion and just being on there for years. Not in your case this time though…
(Depending how long you drove around on it loose, the bearing might be fucked)

Bearing spins quite freely but not loose so it’s on good shape. It was replaced about 8 months ago but there wasn’t any noticable change until cut a corner and dropped of the curb, it seemed like it all happened at once!:exploding_head:. Which I know couldn’t of happened without snapping or sheering something. Idk it was scary though and weirder there was red in the lower threads of the bolt.

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That kinda sounds like an axle, it’s hard to visualize in my head tho. I had the same thing happen to a Honda I used to have.


It’s a front wheel the axle is one piece with the CV joint/boot I believe. 2013 Impala so front wheel drive or all wheel don’t remember right now.


Speaking of wheel bearing/hubs, I’m replacing the front driver side hub assembly in my fiance’s suv tomorrow. We noticed it started to have a noise to it when driving. Got er all tore apart just waiting on the stuff to come. Wish it was a 3 bolt, would’ve been a quicker job but it’s not all that bad.


I know you’re dealing with things and hope all is well and not too overwhelming.
It was GREAT meeting you and other members of the OG crew at the Growers Cup. Can’t wait until next year, already looking forward to it!!!
Hope things aren’t too stressful and getting back in order.
Looking forward to the continuation of the BL#3 contest, but not until you’ve taken care of you and yours!!!
Sending :pray::pray: that everything and everyone is OK!!!


It has been a bit of a rocky road for me, a bit overwhelming at times but I am dealing with it like you do.

It certainly was a pleasure meeting you and some of your family, ya’ll are good people. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
It seems you are already in my little circle of family and friend, how cool is that.
I was gonna see if you wanted to burn during the labor day holiday but I never left the house…hope to see ya soon though.

Yea, I need to get back after this, it has been too dam long but I can not get myself motivated.
I have plans in the coming weeks, to head to the Mackinaw bridge area for some R&R and a bit of fun too.
I will fire this thing back when I get back.
I did just get a very generous donation from @jaws for the upcoming rounds or the biggest loser so everybody hold tight and we will get this show on the road real soon.

@Kushking902 are we still a go on the prizes?
I know it has been a long while if you are not able to provide the prizes we spoke about, that is cool, I know life can change very quickly.
But if you are that would be fantastic, just checkin’ in with ya before I fire back up here.

@DougDawson are you still on board for this as well?

It looks like we have some signup spots open still if anyone wishes to get their name on the list.
I will be starting the drawing all over from scratch, I forget where I was at.
My humble apologies to everyone for the huge delay.



Happy to see ya @shag hope all is well


No problem @shag, the most important thing is you taking time to get yourself right, no matter how long it takes. But it does sound like you have some big events in store for us, pretty damn excited


Thanks gents, it means alot.
Much love to y’all! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Get that R&R! Hope you come back stronger than ever :muscle::muscle:


Taking care of yourself/family is the most important.:pray:


would love to throw down some donation beans for prizes but I just dont think I have anything interesting in amounts I can part with at the moment… without raiding the freezer.
Perhaps I can throw in on the fun after harvest time for biggest looser #4 or #5


Sorry brother, up in the woods enjoying my 34th anniversary. I would say if I was down for it before, I am down with it now. I am not much for changing my mind, lol.


Glad to hear that you’re doing well.
It’s good to have ya back brotha!
I’m definitely still down to make contributions towards the donors pool, when you kick it back in action. Take your time bro. :slightly_smiling_face:


I TOTALLY get it my friend!!! Your well being and family come 1ST!!! I sure would have burned down with ya over the holiday weekend, and like you, didn’t do much. The Ford project has been a bear and I’ve got my hands and mind full getting these big damn doors right, can’t send them out messed up since our guys are not installing them.
Enjoy your Mackinaw trip, get yourself and family rested, relaxed and not stressed, the trip up there alone for me would be stressful, LOL
Sometimes you’ve got to take a step back, breathe, get your head together, and then move forward.
Hope everything works out for the good, see ya soon, and enjoy your trip to the North Country, the leaf colors ought to be pretty spectacular on your ride up!!!


We sure are brother!


Oooh, for once that I pass the first disqualifying rounds.:rofl: , but this is how luck plays and this is for the fun.

Don’t worry at all. Nothing to excuse. All of us have a life out of OG, and sometimes life is…errrrm…life.
Don’t worry about us, we all will be right here when you are OK.

Take care of yourself, and wish you better!!


Good morning :coffee:
No worries on the contest brotha, I hope you trip is fun and revitalizing! :vulcan_salute: :sunglasses:


Congratulations on the anniversary, that’s a long run. :star_struck:
I hope it is all going as planned.
Thank you again for your donation!

Thanks again brother, your kindness is duly noted. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you all very much for all the kind words and your patience is appreciated.